How to make the perfect profile...

  • Of course a top miking with preamp processing can lead to this point.
    Another tricky method for poor guys like me is efficient too.
    Look for a raw record of your favorite amp on the net.(youtube or some other places)

    Check the profiles of this amp on the rigshare repository and load them into your kemper.
    Now plug your soundsystem (or computer) in the return of the effects loop and play the file.
    Browse the amp profiles until you find the one which is the closest...then compare and tweak it until you get the same sound.(first try another cab)
    That's all. Believe me it's more efficient than tonematching. :D

  • Sorry for a dumb question, but how is this different from tone matching? You still are trying to "match" it by tweaking... how is this different? ?(

    It's a sarcastic comment.
    You are right but you just forget that the Kemper does something incredible.
    The tone match is a huge EQ, it doesn't copy the texture of the amp.
    I made a tonematche with the Axe II for the XTC model because at this time it sounded muffled. I used the XTC module of the RM50.
    It improved the sound but the texture was still different.(of course)
    With the Kemper by just using Tills's cab you have a lot of different micing available. You can easily find a tone close from the tone you are looking for...and it nails the texture which is incredible.
    I made a test for the french forum with a piranha preamp profile.
    If you take in consideration that the guitar/pickup/player is not the same, i think it works pretty fine.(i don't have a 7 strings guitar)
    M.pausio direct profile of the piranha + Tills 1960 014 cab...and zero tweaking!…d&v=IbePZcU4C2k