best monitor for kemper

  • Well, one things for sure, the JM designed CLR will go down as the most hyped monitor in human history.

    IMHO the only ones hyping the CLR are everyone except JM and Atomic. Almost everything I've ever read by them on the CLR has been factual. The emphasis has been on specifications and behavior, not whether the CLR is the best thing since sliced bread. They say that the CLR puts the tweeter and woofer signals more in phase than competing products. They say the frequency response is 70Hz-18kHz, +/-2.5dB. They say that the max continuous SPL rating of 120 dB is actually accurate, unlike other products' ratings. They say that the CLR handles transient signals better than other products. All of these things are either true or false, and easily tested by their competitors. Whether these differences translate into a significant audible difference depends on the listener. The one time I've seen Jay describe the CLR in qualitative terms was when he and another TGPer compared Jay's personal monitor with a $1400 Turbosound monitor and both reported that Jay's monitor sounded better.


    No speaker ever built is more advanced than the CLR, no audio/speaker engineer since the advent of ears has come up with a more advanced speaker...

    Jay has never said or implied this. I believe his other designs cost multiples of what the CLR costs, and I doubt he would say the CLR represents his most advanced design, or even more advanced than the designs of the competitors in his normal field (high-end institutional installations like IMAX, not consumer products). He's been frank about compromises that were made to keep costs down, like the decision to forego neo magnets.


    one has to wonder how the Chinese were able to understand how to build this speaker of such great technology.

    Anyone with a grade-school education can build something if they're told exactly what to do. The hard part is design and quality control.


    And, if it doesn't sound as great as it's hyped to sound, then don't blame JM, blame yourself because you don't know what you're doing, or there's something wrong with your digital device. :rolleyes:

    I've never seen Jay say this. What he has said is that the proper job of a FRFR monitor is to accurately reproduce the signal it's given. So if a FRFR monitor is doing its job and a modeler sounds bad through it, it's the modeler that sounds bad and not the monitor. That's true regardless of whether it's a CLR, an RCF, a QSC or whatever.

    When it comes to loudspeaker design, there's no one more knowledgeable than Jay that I've seen posting here, on TGP or anywhere else for that matter. And in the past he's contributed some really useful technical advice that no guitarists would have arrived at on their own (see the Mitchell Donut and the QSC K10 phase and EQ modifications). Someone more sales- and hype-oriented than Jay could have easily turned the Mitchell Donut into a product line like Weber did with the Beam Blocker. I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt it comes to delivering on promises that the CLR will offer what he says it does. Anyway, I'll be sure to post my thoughts when I get mine.

  • When it comes to loudspeaker design, there's no one more knowledgeable than Jay that I've seen posting here, on TGP or anywhere else for that matter. And in the past he's contributed some really useful technical advice that no guitarists would have arrived at on their own

    Yeah, I agree.
    He carries himself with such poise and etiquette, and always responds to guitarists in such a mannerly & helpful way.

    If guitarists want useful technical advice on their loudspeakers, all they need do is read the manuals of the loudspeakers they own, because the audio engineers working for QSC, Mackie, RCF, etc, etc, don't have the time or inclination to hang around on internet guitar forums insulting and demeaning anyone who is lesser qualified or has a different opinion.

    I look forward to your review.

  • Alternative great backline cab?
    Atomic q12a would be' a great choise! Buy shopping on europe costs 130 pounds? How is ti possibile (shopping cost for bluamps camper 112 is only 40 euro)...
    Other great backline cab?

  • i play classic rock...led zeppelin, deep purple, pink floyd.ecc but also hard rock-metal: dream theatre, metallica ecc i need a backline cab (i have already a fbt vrve 12ma as monitor cab). which is the best backline cab in your opinion for this kind of music?

    I only know well these three mentioned. Two RCF NX 12 sma should certainly do well in Classic Rock and hard Rock-Metal. They can give a lot of punch too. But they are a price tag! What's so wrong about the FBT Verve 12M? A pair of them should be able to deliver that sound too.

    I am thinking of a pair not only for the stereo effect, which is nice, but also because they add their power. One RCF NX 12 sma can do my loud Offroadcore band as backline but it is a bit close to it's limits, powerwise. And it is easy to destroy digital poweramps that way.

    Other great backline cab?

    If I could afford it, and if I had a solution for transporting it, I would like to test how the TT45-SMA performs. If I remember well kilihahn is playing one of them.

    There is also the option to use both: a traditional guitar amp+cab behind you for that physical presence and one small, good monitor in front for referencing the PA signal.
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

    Edited 2 times, last by fretboardminer (December 21, 2012 at 11:34 AM).

  • Yeah, I agree.
    He carries himself with such poise and etiquette, and always responds to guitarists in such a mannerly & helpful way.

    If guitarists want useful technical advice on their loudspeakers, all they need do is read the manuals of the loudspeakers they own, because the audio engineers working for QSC, Mackie, RCF, etc, etc, don't have the time or inclination to hang around on internet guitar forums insulting and demeaning anyone who is lesser qualified or has a different opinion.

    I look forward to your review.

    A QSC rep has argued with Jay's K10 mods on at least 2 difference forums. Jay posted graphs clearly proving his findings. I did Jay's suggested phase reversal mod, and it made an audibly favorable difference. Jay never saw a dime from me or other K10 owners who followed his advice, or from anyone who rolled their own Mitchell Donuts. I can't say that about any other forum poster anywhere. You're right about Jay's lack of tact, but why should anyone care?

  • YES! A line array for guitarists! :D

    I'm using a line array with my Kemper :)

    The L1 Model I Cylindrical Radiator Speaker is an integral component of the from Bose L1 Model 1 system. The unique Cylindrical Radiator loudspeaker comes in two sections and has a line array of 24 small drivers mounted into a vertical enclosure for wide, horizontal sound coverage. This proprietary design helps fill the room with clear sound like no ordinary speaker can. In comparison to a conventional speaker, volume and tone diminish very slowly over distance.

    [Blocked Image:]

  • Paults, I started with a Bose L1 Model 2, but sold it in favor of two RCF ART310A's via a Mackie mixer. It is MUCH less expensive and (to my ears) sounds better. Stereo is nice :D

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • at least i have to choise between:
    - matrix q12a
    -blue amps 2x12
    these are the 2 amps i wish buy
    i've read great opinion about both
    i'm oriented for matrix because of the weight ;)
    which main differences?
    any suggestions?