Fudge...hanging up on start...

  • Have you tried what I told you? Apparently is a once off

    The previous 2 hangups seemded to fix themselves. Last night, I tried all the alternate boot strategies and none worked until I booted from usb. I created a new backup at that point (as I didn't back up the last couple nights and worked on some patches) and then shut down and everything went fine. I rebooted hoping the problem was gone, and it hung again. I rebooted a second time from USB and then the unit red screened so I pulled the power. So technically last night was the 4th time with the final 2 being consecutive. If it red screens again, I will certainly try your advice.

    I'm not touring, you have much more faith than me. My primary concern is not the red screen, but the fact the unit has issues booting. I always travel with some type of backup for everything. But I've been playing multi-fx since Digitech released the RP-1 (early 90's) and I've never had a unit which wouldn't boot. This is a very different issue than hardware failure, all hardware will fail under duress with time. I expect the software running to be rock solid from a stability point. Its a confidence breaker for me. Would I buy a cell phone which wouldn't turn on sometimes? What about a car, I expect that car to start every time I turn the ignition. If I had failure to start within the first 6 months of ownership of nearly anything, it's a major cause of concern to whether it will continue to malfunction in the long term. We have "lemon laws" for that very reason. Fortunately CK and team seem quick to respond to such problems and hopefully have read these threads and are already working on a solution.

  • Windows as well, 1 corrupted or modified file can cause all sort of issues....
    Blackbird: are u actually having problems or just complaining for the ones of other users?

    No, I am not having problems because I chose not to upgrade when you were pressuring people to do so. I have had concerns about FW integrity since releases following 1.1.1. Those concerns are obviously legitimate. I think it is laughable that some pseudo-analysts on here are suggesting it's just a one-time thing and to continue on BOOTING UP FROM USB.(ridiculous) And anyone who suggests that every person having this same issue with 1.5.4 have introduced "corrupt profiles" into their KPA are simply inept at offering solutions to technical errors.

    This is a discussion forum, as such, I will engage in discussion. There is no need for people to go digging through their rig files checking kilobytes to see if any of them are corrupt just because some unqualified forum member, in his blind defense for the flawed FW, suggested corrupt profiles are causing everyone's issue. A corrupt profile is one-to-one, this is obviously a one-to-many since most people experienced their problems at the same time, some even had problems on the first boot after installing new FW. Simple analytical deduction rules out the likelihood of each user downloading the same corrupt profile, the equivalent to a needle in a haystack.

    This is a FW issue, and I'm allowed to voice that opinion.

  • Well, if u call 5 cases over 2000 "analitycal deduction rules"... :rolleyes:
    I've never suggested people to keep on booting from USB, what I've suggested was to contact ASAP support and offered an interim solution to be able to keep using the unit.
    As you said: is just your opinion, not supported by facts....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Well, if u call 5 cases over 2000 "analitycal deduction rules"... :rolleyes:
    I've never suggested people to keep on booting from USB, what I've suggested was to contact ASAP support and offered an interim solution to be able to keep using the unit.
    As you said: is just your opinion, not supported by facts....

    Do you have evidence to support 5 in 2000 numbers? Listen, everyone contributing in this area is a Kemper owner. There is no need to provide any kind of defense of the product here especially in the support area. This area was built specifically to discuss issues. I believe this is a firmware issue as well as I don't believe we saw any reports of this prior to 1.54. I'm going to try to revert back to 1.52 and see if I have any further issues.

  • If you check in the forum you'll see reports (only a few) of this issue since the very first FW release.

    Edit: I stand corrected, 7. going by memory: yourself, Michael, Mats, Ibarrington, Deltafit, MattyB and Dany

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

    Edited once, last by guitarnet70 (December 14, 2012 at 10:55 PM).

  • If you check in the forum you'll see reports (only a few) of this issue since the very first FW release.

    Edit: I stand corrected, 7. going by memory: yourself, Michael, Mats, Ibarrington, Deltafit, MattyB and Dany

    7 who posted in the forum. You nor I have access to how many support tickets Kemper may or may not have received on the issue. For instance, my first problem I had I went the "quiet" route dealing with support directly without a peep on the forums. But the 1% rule with regards to internet communities points to the likely hood that many others have experienced it as well. Unless you believe the folks active on the forum are the only people who own the Kemper...

  • Will, peace! I've not meant to be aggressive. Being the main thing of the Kemper the profile sharing I would assume a lot more then 1% would be here, otherwise it would mean they have already sold over 200k units.... 8o

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • There is no need for people to go digging through their rig files checking kilobytes to see if any of them are corrupt just because some unqualified forum member, in his blind defense for the flawed FW, suggested corrupt profiles are causing everyone's issue.

    Where were you 16 months ago when I had a Kemper demo unit 4 months prior to it being released...when one corrupt file annihilated my Kemper but the same corrupt file had no affect on another demo unit.
    Where were you 11 months ago after the Kemper released and a few corrupt stock Profile files were shutting down SOME Kemper units but not others?

    I didn't suggest a corrupt file can cause EVERYONE'S issue, I suggested it could be the cause of one persons issue.

    It's not a matter of qualified or unqualified, it's a matter of experience.

  • If you check in the forum you'll see reports (only a few) of this issue since the very first FW release.

    Edit: I stand corrected, 7. going by memory: yourself, Michael, Mats, Ibarrington, Deltafit, MattyB and Dany

    I've had the issue as well, one time since upgrading my two KPAs. I do think it's a firmware issue ..

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Where were you 16 months ago when I had a Kemper demo unit 4 months prior to it being released...when one corrupt file annihilated my Kemper but the same corrupt file had no affect on another demo unit.
    Where were you 11 months ago after the Kemper released and a few corrupt stock Profile files were shutting down SOME Kemper units but not others?

    I didn't suggest a corrupt file can cause EVERYONE'S issue, I suggested it could be the cause of one persons issue.

    It's not a matter of qualified or unqualified, it's a matter of experience.

    Back in September Guitarnet70 posted that the FW had been modified to not accept corrupt profiles, saying they would simply be rejected and not import into the KPA. This is what I meant, if you were qualified, you would have known that instead of suggesting that everyone check their profiles for corruption.

    So for 4 months now, corrupt profiles have not been a threat. I believe we can rule that out, it's most likely the FW.

  • When I was having the red screen shutdowns, I did a flash format/init and loaded only the system rigs. It still did the red screen so I downgraded to 1.52 and have been holding there for now. I haven't seen it since.

  • If you check in the forum you'll see reports (only a few) of this issue since the very first FW release.

    Edit: I stand corrected, 7. going by memory: yourself, Michael, Mats, Ibarrington, Deltafit, MattyB and Dany

    Add me to that list. I guess I'm unlucky. I've had a lot of problems including blown LED's and red-screen-of-death. I don't trust the unit for live use.

  • Back in September Guitarnet70 posted that the FW had been modified to not accept corrupt profiles, saying they would simply be rejected and not import into the KPA. This is what I meant, if you were qualified, you would have known that instead of suggesting that everyone check their profiles for corruption.

    So for 4 months now, corrupt profiles have not been a threat. I believe we can rule that out, it's most likely the FW.

    I didn't know Guitarnet70 was qualified. :D

    A month ago support told me to check for corrupt files, files that had made their way onto a clients KPA prior to September.
    Currently, when the KPA rejects a corrupt file on Import, it also stops the Import, the only files that will Import are the files up until the corrupt one.
    If the Import stops you can bet a new thread will start about how 'my KPA wont Import'.
    That's why I suggested check for corrupt files...not to specifically solve Will's "hanging up on start problem", but in general.

    One day I too will be qualified like my friend Davide...I'm still an apprentice. :thumbup:

    Edited once, last by Guitartone (December 15, 2012 at 8:02 AM).

  • im currently having problems, been there with the red led screen! after upgrading to 1.5.4
    kemper support told me to install earlier firmware, which i did, now my kemper freezers on start up even when rebooting from usb. having only owned from new just two months ago
    my kemper is unusable... any idea's?

    Brian Thesnail

  • im currently having problems, been there with the red led screen! after upgrading to 1.5.4
    kemper support told me to install earlier firmware, which i did, now my kemper freezers on start up even when rebooting from usb. having only owned from new just two months ago
    my kemper is unusable... any idea's?

    Get on the line with support. i thought you should always be able to boot from USB stick.