Kris' music thread | Little Tuesday Blues (9/4-13)

  • For a beginner you´re putting great feeling and emotion into your playing, which is really good for a beginner. Nice job :thumbup:

    Next thing would be to work a little more on your timing, just play to the click or pratice by playing with background tracks. Also give the drums and bass a little more attention in your mixes. Right now the guitars are too loud. As soon as the rhythm section gets a little more dominant you will automatically play more attention to your timing.

  • Great first project! :thumbup: Liked the guitar tones also. Also liked the second half with the arpeggios etc. Very creative addition.

    I'd echo Tyler's comments above WRT timing, rhythm and general mix. I liked your lead but you might work a little on the phrasing. It sounded a little robotic.

    Overall, again, great job!

    I hope to have my first project done soon BTW (Zoom R8 coming this weekend!).

    Can't wait to hear your next!

  • Good feeling!

    Work hard with the metronome and try to play longer notes. Sometimes (happens in the middle of the song) all the notes last the same and sounds a bit robotic. Playing longer notes will help you to learn choosing good notes for each chord and confidence on how good a note will sound before playing it.


  • Hey everyone

    Thanks for all your comments and tips and tricks. It's much obliged!

    To sum up:

    1) I need to work on my timing
    2) Phrasing needs more thought
    3) Hold notes for longer - don't be afraid of silence
    4) Mixing/mastering obviously needs more attention

    I'll get to work ASAP! Thanks guys.

    // Kris

    Edited 2 times, last by Kris (December 16, 2012 at 12:39 AM).

  • Hello Kemper community

    Here follows another recording. I made this recording prior to switching to Reaper, so this is recorded with the bundled Ableton Live software that came with my Focusrite 2i2 interface.

    The chord progression is Matt Corby's "Untitled" to which I added a mellow guitar solo.

    The first few notes of the solo (that kicks in at 0:25) are off. The rest is OK though. In my opinion this recording has more space to it and the phrasing is better. I probably get a little carried away around the 1:13 mark hehe 8)

    For my future recordings I want to work on my timing, phrasing and general feel. Also, I would like to work with some heavy reverb and delay to create some more ambient style sounds.

    Comments and the like are as always welcome!

    // Kris

  • It's good reviews that help. Better yet is to take them as you take them: help.

    This encourages me to share some recording and wait for the comments. :D

    Very good!

    Word up danikemp! Wasn't easy for me to put my music out there either, but I figured, what the hell! But yes, it's such a personal thing to us all! ^^

  • I liked the soling in the untitled piece. Had much more feel in phrasing. :thumbup:

    I couldn't quite follow the rhthym guitar. It kinda faded in and out and I lost the progression. Not sure if that was what you were looking for.

    Timing seemed good throughout, although it's always hard to get a good perspective on timing without a drummer/base player holding it down.

  • Whatup Kemper peeps!

    I did this recording a couple of days ago but didn't want to post it cos... I felt it was kinda messy. I'm gonna post it anyway though, cos after a listen to it today I thought it was actually alright.

    About the recording
    I honestly can't remember which profile I used for this recording, but it was either a) Soul Sinner with the gain turned down or b) Steave Crunch 01 with added delay or c) Steave Crunch 02 with the gain turned down.

    It's a complete one-shot take over a blues backing track I found somewhere random on the web. Credits to the backing track are unknown, but it's damn fine to play over.

    Around the 3.30 minute mark I go kinda crazy, so bear with me. All musical rules are as of that moment cast aside! :D Around 4.30 I stop playing and the recording goes to an end with no guitar. Also a factor I thought about when I thought about whether or not to post it. But oh well.

    Mixing/mastering: I paid very little attention to editing this recording, so I hope the volume levels are alright and so forth. I have not listened to this through studio monitors since I do not own any yet.

    Timing: In this recording I took to heart that I need to be better with my timing, so any comments on this is especially appreciated. I will in the future focus on this at all times since timing is crucial to good music!

    Phrasing: I feel my phrasing is alright but towards the end it gets a little monotenous. I really need to up my blues-lick-repertoire!

    Other thoughts: I need to study scales more. I have absolutely no knowledge of how to cross into minor and major scales. Should I do so it is definitely not intentional, which is sort of the point if you want to be a good player, right? :rolleyes:
    In my playing I only use the pentatonic major scale (obviously pentatonic blues major scale in this case) and I credit this lack of knowledge to my somewhat limited phrasing as well. I have to YouTube some guitar courses! 8)

    I hope you guys enjoy the recording. Any comments, criticism and the likes are as always appreciated!

    // Kris

    Edited 2 times, last by Kris (December 21, 2012 at 6:07 PM).

  • @ Zappledan and stompman

    I have now renamed my first recording from "Untitled" to "First recording ever" since I had two recordings named "Untitled" before, namely my first recording and the Matt Corby piece. Which recording were you guys talking about? Thanks for your support and criticism!

  • Hello Kemper community

    I added 4 new recordings to my frontpage.

    Here follows a little more information on them:

    Friday Night Blues: Just me messing around with playing to a backing track and keeping time. I tried thinking about building up my licks and vary the intensity. I want to be better dynamically.

    Ambient shiz: I really like this concept. The idea for this concept actually popped up into my head the very first time I played the Kemper. I turned up the reverb time and mix REALLY high and I found I got this incredible spacy effect. Set your reverb time/mix to about 8.6/100%, and before you strike a chord, turn down the volume on the guitar, then strike a chord, then fade the volume in and out. That is what you hear in the background. Months later I tried adding some more parts to the song and this is what I have got so far.

    Surfing: I was jamming on my Strat and found that lick in the loop rather relaxing, so I decided to play a little on top of it. Just a for-fun song.

    I AM ANGRY!!!: Well... I recorded this tonight. I recently updated my Kemper to firmware 1.6 (I think it is?) and the new and44 TAF-BluesJNR+ GROWL profile (or something like that) is INSANE!!! It literally made me feel like I wanted to rip my guitar apart (shredding wise...). This is the result. Be aware this is really loud and I make a lot of mistakes near the end, but I thought what the heck, I just wanna shred!!! Haha.

    Eva: Another concept song. Me and my girlfriend were hanging out and I was relaxing with my guitar and this is what came out of it. Thought I'd share it. I like the licks in the end. Too short though.

  • Hello everyone´

    A little status update
    I have now been playing electric guitar for 4 months and things are improving steadily! I think I need to escape my comfort zone and start learning from actual songs rather just noodling to backing tracks if I want to improve from now on, though.

    In summary I want to focus on:

    - Get a more solid hand on the blues scale and it's positions
    - Learn new licks
    - Escape my comfort zone and expand into new playing styles
    - Improve technically
    - Improve timing. Still looking for the pocket!

    Two new blues recordings up on the frontpage
    I recently bought and44's Tone King Galaxy (Head) profile from his Amp Pack 4 bundle. The tone preview absolutely blew me away, so I had to get it. It's been my favorite since I got it, and I'm definitely sold on the concept of the Kemper and and44 profiles. I'll be getting a lot more in the near future! I produced two slow blues recordings with the new profile, so check them out if you want.

    Comments and criticism is much appreciated so I can improve my playing!



  • Hi everyone

    Any thoughts on my original piece, Melancholy? (Previously known as Ambient shiz, hehe ;)) I wanna hear people's opinions on this concept song so I can further develop and complete the song.

    Take note that the first 30 seconds of riffing actually wasn't intended for the song, but I rendered the mp3 with that included because I thought it would fit the recording.

    Thank you all!

