Two LEDs dead on my KEMPER

  • Recently two LEDs of my slider knobs just stopped working :cursing: - One LED in the volume ring and one (the top one actually) in the Treble ring ...

    I really thought that this Kemper thing has a really good build quality but LEDs (with a normal lifespan of 30years plus with this kind of usage) that stop working after halve a year do shake my confidence... 8|

    If anyone can tell my what kind of leds are used i can solder them myself (really dont want to send the whole thing back and then wait for weeks to get it back)

    Anyone else with this issue?!? Any suggestions?!? ;(

  • Yesterday I sadly discovered that on my KPA there is also a dead LED. It is the 10 o clock in the Volume ring. If I remember well there is a whole thread here in the forum about dead LEDs. But I can't remember having met some comment from the producers so far.

    I really love those LED-rings, it is not just fashion, they help alot especially on the stack EQ during a gig. So I am shure that the guys at Kemper are already squeezing their brains about a solution for this issue. Big problem with this: who would ever want to send away his beloved amp for hardware replacements?

    PS: if I search here for "LED" id does not even find this thread here. But I am shure there was more here earlier.

    PPS: Arrghh - type the plural, "LEDs", and find this .
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

    Edited 2 times, last by fretboardminer (November 25, 2012 at 2:18 PM).

  • [Blocked Image:]

    Now it is another one in the Volume ring and one in the Gain ring.

    Ok - I will go to the Kemper Support now...
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.