Anyone use a MidiMate with the Kemper? Trouble with Controllers......

  • If you have gotten your Midimate to work fully, I would really appreciate some help. I've gotten to where I can switch Rigs/Patches, so that's cool, but I can't get the controller buttons to work. I see, for example, that Stomp Box A is controlled by #17, but when I assign one of my controller buttons to 17, it's not switching Stomp Box A on or off like I was expecting. Any help or thoughts out there? Thanks!

  • I am pretty new to midi myself so I could be wrong but on my midi board I had to assign a controller CC number and a value greater than 64 to a #CC controller.

    64> controller on
    64< controller off.

    2005 gibson lp standard faded/frankenstein tele->kemper->adam a3x/LD systems mon 121

  • Funny, I was busy answering your post on TGP and the thread got canceled....

    Look on pages 15-16 of the manual. Set value "off" for off and "120" for on. The graph on page 16 is quite clear.
    Sorry but I've never had a midi mate and cannot be more specific...

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff