Monitor Out Section

  • I´m thinking of using the monitor out to feed a power amp with speaker, and it says in the manual to switch the cabinet simulation off
    using the soft button "monitor cab off" my question i´m only going to use the power amp trying to get some feedback between the guitar pups and speaker
    while i´m feeding my soundcard from the main output with speaker simulation do i still have cabinet simulation ON in the main out section
    because that´s what i´m aiming for? I only use the kemper with headphones.
    Do you people understand what i´m trying to say? ?( :D
    I´ll guess i also can use the monitor out with an active monitor too.....but i would prefer to use the monitor out with a power amp and speaker though...
    I mean i don´t want the switching cab off in monitor out, affecting the main out´s cab sims, i still want them must excuse me, its still early morning here in sweden and my brain is not really awake yet, so i´m having some trouble with explaining myself :D

    Edited once, last by SpaceBlues (November 6, 2012 at 8:42 AM).