New NAMM product? This sounds insane.

  • [/quote]
    ]Rig Talk = generic forum covering all gear vs the active focused discussion of digital gear on TGP Digital forum. You posted the same Kemper clip thread at both sites: at TGP 14 replies and 360 views with no negative responses (including praise from a known AxeFX owner). At Rig Talk, 4 replies (2 of them by you) and 106 views. Honestly folks, suggest me a better forum. I'm a member at many and I've not found a better forum dedicated to digital gear. I'd love to be proven wrong...[/quote]"

    I have gotten more replies now on RT then before (my clips usually don't get that much response for some reason), and its not a matter of getting more replies, about music clips, I was talking about A/B clips of amp VS kemper I posted in the early release of Kemper. I think I was one of the earlier guys to scoop up a kemper and as I do all new gear, I usually post a demo showing it off to give examples of what so and so sounds like. RT discussion was very much balanced and informative, TGP went off into attack and crazy land FAST. I also received Private messages calling me things from fractal users. yup. Scott himself bitched me out in PM's about my discussion of unfairness on RT and I shared that on RT in my thread about TGP. ha. sowry but just letting peeps know of some of the crazy that happens. I know Scott said he gets bad PM"s as well, but he certainly isn't above all that either. DIgital boxes seem to bring out the ugliness. I was a fractal owner, I honestly use what I think is the best for me as I have to in order to compete, as others do. But I also do like when companies are ethical and responsive. Fractal is responsive but I won't be a fractalite ever again because of Cliff.

    TGP is awesome cause its one of, if not the biggest guitar related discussion board out there. It is getting much better in nuetrality, but as many have said already, that was not always the case. I mean if so many people chime in and witness some of the craziness not only here, but on HRI, Rig-Talk, Gearslutz etc, one has to at least consider that some of what is said is true. I like gearslutz for a more well rounded gear and studio discussion board. Rig-Talk for guitar related stuff as well, though not as visited. But good info specially in regards to certain amps and guitars.. I like the vibe on RT as well personally. I like TGP for its bikini threads, ha. and I have now really grown to like the digital modelling discussion page as well, its actually enjoyable now rather then cringe worthy. That is a good thing and headed in the right direction!!

    On RT, you could say, I think Kemper is better then fractal, and Vice Versa without having a 10 page duke out fest. Say something like that on TGP, and it goes nuts. on TGP, lots of fractal users used to say things negative about the kemper and how fractal is better without even having both. its all good, just when someones opinion turns into 10 pages of warfare, something is a miss. ;)


    Edited 3 times, last by audioholic (November 6, 2012 at 8:18 PM).

  • The Kemper is the only virtual solution I believe is capable of covering the amplifiers I really love playing through. I appreciate that it was made available and that the folks who work on it seem to give a damn about a customer like myself.

    I listened to clips and followed threads in considering buying the KPA. What is of use for my playing situations would not be found on the "factory" profiles... but I did hear what made me confident to pull the trigger.

    The appeal I found in the KPA was that there was no preconcieved notions about modeling what real amps do... or should do. I have repeatedly heard that this or that company company has studied this circuit and ...BLAH BLAH BLAH. Everytime I'd try out the "accurate" and painstakingly researched algorhythms chosen to model tube/xformers/ etc.??? I was left thinking ... BULLSHIT... close is not a "cigar".

    The method CK chose is exactly what makes sense in the abstract and delivers the goods in reality, to me. This may not be the same for others, but it's the only way some company has hope of getting MY MONEY. If a product doesn't deliver the goods? I could care less what it costs. Some amps are a hell of a lot more than the cost of a KPA, or an AXEII. I have heard low cost stuff deliver what works for some players... unfortunately, it hasn't been so for my ears. I like the "set amp to taste, place mic/mics, press profile, refine... repeat as necessary"... Capture an amp as it pleases and get on with making music.

    The KPA has saved me a very large amount of money. Our community is, by and large, a solid group of folks... IMO. I'll offer that "my opinion" has a hell of a lot more sway in what "I" play and what "I" will pay for.

    As for Fractal? If people buy it and like it and make good music with, should be no real surprise. < I have been playing since 1964 and have seen that gear that doesn't work for me can work for others. > Shopping to please me is what has actually worked the best in my experience.

    The head guy @ Fractal might benefit by opting to refrain from pontifications on the internet, other than his own site. < even then it's not that wise if you don't think out your musings >.

    Leave the PR to folks who understand corporate identity and are adept at human nature, human frality, and understand that there's no future in pissing off potential $$$.... :huh:

    Edited 4 times, last by 1fastdog (November 7, 2012 at 3:49 AM).

  • The Kemper is the only virtual solution I believe is capable of covering the amplifiers I really love playing through. I appreciate that it was made available and that the folks who work on it seem to give a damn about a customer like myself.

    Paul, I couldn't agree more. And as for Fractal or anyone else, more power to them. What works for me might not work for someone else, and vice versa. All this pissing and moaning is getting old. Let's just play guitar!

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • I entirely agree :)
    As for me, I've never spent a single word criticizing the Axe-Fx, even tho Mr. Chase has certainly lost a customer in my case.
    What touches me in this debate is some people's bad attitude and aggressiveness and, ultimately, lack of good manners. All my participation in this kind of threads - and this is true for others I'm sure - has always pointed out others' bad faith and bad manners.
    I don't actually see a relationship with how both devices are good. Some people have received almost-minatory PMs for just having expressed enthusiasm about the KPA (or having said that they prefer it over the Axe-Fx) on some forums (not FAS' of course).

    Finally, everything in life comes down to people, and their relationships. That's my vision at least.

  • The whole thing is just to UNDERSTAND the difference to saying " I prefer the Axe"..or Even "the Axe is better" The KPA is not good...or shitty"

    It just is nothing else than that..and a competitor company's owner should know this first thing...someone said here " fair " competition ...yeah fair..learn that word then talk...
    You will never ever benefit talking crap about your competition..will work for..5 minutes and then .. :thumbdown: