New NAMM product? This sounds insane.

  • There were not only A/B comparisons. Someone has profiled all Axe Fx Amps with the Kemper and put the profiles on the fractal site which wasn't the best idea. That's why Cliff thought it was a marketing campaign by CK, I think.

  • There were not only A/B comparisons. Someone has profiled all Axe Fx Amps with the Kemper and put the profiles on the fractal site which wasn't the best idea. That's why Cliff thought it was a marketing campaign by CK, I think.

    Wow, I wasn't aware of that. We did not survey every forum as we were busy working on the product. But I found those profiles silly anyway. All these actions definetely have generated no customer for us. It was never our intention to profile a modeling amp, it is all about real tube amps. This is the A/B comparison that counts.

    Whoever believes that this was a marketing campaign initiated by us, has no sense for marketing, especially viral marketing. The same is true for people publishing A/B comparisons of competing products. Every reasonsble skilled marketer knows that actions like these have minor positive effects, but contain high risks.

    Since Fractal Audio really believed that this was a silly marketing campaign by us, they could have called us. There are people working at Fractal that have my phone number!

    But maybe I'm too positiv.

    It's a weird little guitar world were threads get erased from forums. It's a different language than where I come from ...

    Edited once, last by ckemper (November 6, 2012 at 12:37 AM).

  • Btw: learning the language of paranoia more and more, I must come to the conclusion that this thread on TGP was erased because they still suspect an ongoing marketing campaign dominating this thread. What else?

    Has somebody asked at TGP why it has been erased or hidden?

  • TGP has been involved in some pre-litigation discovery, before, related to similar postings by [a] company owner (and employee(s))and various owners of a particular guitar brand. :thumbdown:

    It may just be a proactive action to avoid having the same outcome. I know if I ran TGP, that's why I would have nuked it.

  • TGP has been involved in some pre-litigation discovery, before, related to similar postings by [a] company owner (and employee(s))and various owners of a particular guitar brand. :thumbdown:

    It may just be a proactive action to avoid having the same outcome. I know if I ran TGP, that's why I would have nuked it.

    I'm pretty sure this was the issue. Scott is not a shill for Fractal. He's just a user who likes his product. If anything, he's usually the guy trying to break up the arguments and encourages people to be happy with whatever it is they choose to use.

  • Isn't Scott also an admin on the Fractal forum (and a beta tester for Fractal)?

    If so, I would call that a shill in many ways. He is completely biased. He breaks up Fractal related arguments that look bad or suggest Fractal isn't perfect. Seen it dozens of times. I do continually love "it can't get any better" after each Firmware improvement. Those dudes are completely insane.

    Anyways...back to recording.

  • ^ I have to agree. That man's behaviour is scandalous to me, to say the least. I've been a member over Fractal forum since before the Axe-2 popped out and have been following TGP since then (when I was still on a quest for a digital preamp).

    ckemper: I don't buy that Fractal thought publishing axe's profiles over their forum was a move from you. It was clearly a move from an enthusiastic user.
    IMO, the thread was closed because Scott was - for the first time AFAIAC - loosing control over the insurrection against his manifest biasing. He's a strong debater, and his manners usually succeed in turning the discussion towards what he decides. But not this time.
    Anyway, here's a link to the whole discussion should you be interested. I believe you should at least be aware of what's going on.

  • ^ I have to agree. That man's behaviour is scandalous to me, to say the least. I've been a member over Fractal forum since before the Axe-2 popped out and have been following TGP since then (when I was still on a quest for a digital preamp).

    ckemper: I don't buy that Fractal thought publishing axe's profiles over their forum was a move from you. It was clearly a move from an enthusiastic user.
    IMO, the thread was closed because Scott was - for the first time AFAIAC - loosing control over the insurrection against his manifest biasing. He's a strong debater, and his manners usually succeed in turning the discussion towards what he decides. But not this time.
    Anyway, here's a link to the whole discussion should you be interested. I believe you should at least be aware of what's going on.

    This is total BS.

    I've kept my mouth shut, but this is really too much.

    A few facts; and I'll back any of them up for CK in person if need be. This all needs to stop.

    I am co-owner of The Gear Page. I do not - for obvious reasons I hope - moderate threads, posts or people in the Digital and Modeling Section of TGP though. I did not remove said thread, moderate it, or have anything to do with how it was handled. We abstain from moderating threads we are involved in as active participants (deferring to impartial moderators to take a look at issues that pop up) and we also will recuse ourselves if a friend or 'non'-friend is involved in the disputed post.

    Contrary to popular opinion here, I am not what many people here have assumed nor implied. My bias is clear - I own a competing product. That bias is not in play on the Gear Page though - I do not moderate on KPA threads.

    There is a lot of misinformation and flat out untruths here regarding me and my character; I'm only posting this because of all of it the quoted one is untrue, totally offensive and uncalled for.

    I have never said one negative word - on ANY forum on the Internet - about the KPA. In fact, I've gone out of my way to note that every KPA I have worked with for clients of mine has been a very good sounding unit. I have not ever once - on TGP nor on the Fractal Forum - spoke negatively of the KPA. I've worked with two clients that had them in their rigs and wanted integration advice with also using it with an Axe-FX II. Strangely, those two gentleman and I never came to blows, had words nor debated the two boxes. They are tool boxes for guitarists and as such - as with any guitar processor on the planet past, present or future - all have their place.

    When I visited the Kemper room at the Amp Show last month, I was treated politely and treated nicely in the Kemper room. Even wearing my Fractal shirt (I was giving a workshop at the Axe-Fest Owner's Group down in the lobby).

    I invite any of you that have questions or comments that apply to me to contact me directly at TGP. Do not just believe what is posted online at forums. I am not what I am made out to be here.

  • It's not what is said about you that people are judging you on, it's your own actions on TGP, HRI, the Fractal forum, Rig-Talk and now(unbelievably) here as well that people take offense to. I've been reading posts by you condescendingly telling people to put on their big boy pants and not to take forums so seriously. I suggest you heed your own advice. The ironic nature of 75% of the posts by your internet persona is why people even have an opinion of you.

    Edited once, last by tfridgen (November 6, 2012 at 3:39 AM).

  • Guitarist must be a strange bunch. I have been on music forums for quite some time with various tools. From hardware / software synths to orchestral vi's. never have I seen such animosity built up by its users against a different product then since being on tgp / fractal at the time. Just those two mainly in regards to digital direct solutions. As someone else posted , when I first got the Kemper. As I do with most new toys I do a demo. Posted on a few sites ad what happened on tgp was pretty Cray Cray to me. I get on some level that fractal has been long considered the top dog and its owners have taken pride in that elite status. Now that new players are on the scene ad as other technology improves that elite lone status has been threatened and more then a few vocal posters have been loud mouthpieces against anything other yet denying the lunacy that pretty much everyone else sees who is not brainwashed so to speak in the cult community. Ha. I used to never post on tgp but after the shit storm lunacy that I witnessed I stayed on as I felt that the Kemper product needed some advocates in what was a super hostile environment for It at first. There have been several threads about this type of stuff on other less biased forums

    As far as tgp, it's gettin better. Kemper is being more accepted an there is less knee jerk reaction about it. Fractal has worked hard to make their product better as a result so they should be thanking ck for the push. Honestly I thought fractal didn't sound as good by far when Kemper arrived but they def made strides. At times There are more Kemper threads now then others. It's great to see actually as tgp IS becoming less of just an extension of fractals forum.

    As far as Scott, we have had our beef about this very same thing as I started a topic once calling out unfair bias as I saw it. Scott IMO has gotten much much better about being more impartial and keeping the peace. Of course he is a very prominent axe poster and endorser but thi gs have gotten much better and he's aight in my book now ;). Though it was strange he stalked the Kemper forums when it came out. Ha.

    Cliff on the other has IMO been a child. I have pretty much made up my mind that I will never support his company by a purchase again seeing how he has handled things. Such a shame really. But I will go digitech before fractal again just purely out of principle. :).

    Just my 2 cents. I am so glad there was a wait for fractal otherwise I wouldn't of been a happy Kemper owner Wahoo