And here he comes again....

  • Honestly I don't care what Scott says. He's just like many people out there: "I own the best, while the rest is no way at the same level". Ok, you won't expect that form a moderator or from the owner of a community, but he holds the risk of loosing members because of his being partial. So that's a problem for himself.

    Call it "childish", call it "human", call it as you want, but it's just the most common behaviour of the world.
    Play that damned (lovely) KPA and be happy :thumbup:

  • Honestly I don't care what Scott says. He's just like many people out there: "I own the best, while the rest is no way at the same level". Ok, you won't expect that form a moderator or from the owner of a community, but he holds the risk of loosing members because of his being partial. So that's a problem for himself.

    Call it "childish", call it "human", call it as you want, but it's just the most common behaviour of the world.
    Play that damned (lovely) KPA and be happy :thumbup:

    I agree :thumbup:

  • sigh...You want to know the biggest deciding factor between the Axe and Kemper was for me? Cost. I'm a consumer, Kemper doesn't pay me to use their gear and I have no vested interest in the product. Folks can use whatever gear they want, it doesn't hurt my feelings. They can yell from the rooftops about how their choice is the best in the world. Who cares? Stalking Scott at TGP in order to post anything he says about the Axe here is just immature and reflects extremely poorly on the Kemper forum members and ownership. Let him preach all he wants, does it really make any difference in the end? Does it suddenly make the Kemper less effective? A few posts up you guys say nothing should be censored and then get up in arms when he posts his opinion. If you don't like TGP and/or Scott, don't visit the page...

    I simply couldnt agree more. Well said.

  • For those of you who can't grasp the patheticness of it all, and feel the need to protect Fractal Audio and accuse some of us here of "stalking", here's a little reminder of why this thread exists.

    Once again, Cliff can't resist...breaking TGP rules once again.
    This is the FRP XTC Profile that was loaded onto the Kemper rig exchange today...he didn't even bother to change the name.

    Edited 2 times, last by Guitartone (December 21, 2012 at 11:17 PM).

  • For those of you who can't grasp the patheticness of it all, and feel the need to protect Fractal Audio and accuse some of us here of "stalking", here's a little reminder of why this thread exists.

    Once again, Cliff can't resist...breaking TGP rules once again.
    This is the FRP XTC Profile that was loaded onto the Kemper rig exchange today...he didn't even bother to change the name.

    comes off as so petty and childish man

  • For those of you who can't grasp the patheticness of it all, and feel the need to protect Fractal Audio and accuse some of us here of "stalking", here's a little reminder of why this thread exists.

    Once again, Cliff can't resist...breaking TGP rules once again.
    This is the FRP XTC Profile that was loaded onto the Kemper rig exchange today...he didn't even bother to change the name.

    I think it is actually nice to see TGP mods trying to keep things under control and as neutral as possible. It seems like TGP owners/mods are actually quite annoyed by this type of behavior. The thread was moved and then deleted again.