"Camplifier" - Poweramps for the KPA

  • Why? If you send a mono signal to both of the inputs, you can power 2 separate cabs.

    True. But it would not be the same, and this option would anyway be available with a bridgeable amp.
    Sometimes you might not have two cabs at your disposal, or missing the room on stage or in your garage... or in your car! So you shall be stuck whith half the power.
    Depending on the version, 180 W mono could be enough for certain applications, but 90 W could be not.

    Basically talking of a higher versatility here, and not criticizing the design as a whole. Furthermore, the option could not be considered missing by many :)

  • Was hoping for a lower price too. I'm now going to go with a Matrix GT800FX.

    Sorry guys for not meeting your price expectations right now. I think once we will move the assembly of the Camplifiers to Vietnam (Chinas labor cost is getting too high for us western companies and customers obviously) we can do it ^^ .
    Just kidding... :) .

    On the other hand, if you are looking for an inexpensive way to amplify your KPA, why would you spend this much money for a standard 19" Mosfet amplifier ? The data of your chosen model says it is as much a Mosfet amplifier as it can be.
    What I want to say is that you can get such amplifier technology at almost every corner for less than half price.

    Don´t get me wrong! This IS a good amplifier and it IS useful for amplifying your KPA, but with a damping factor of >400 , a flat frequency response and those distortion figures - it is a Mosfet amp with a switch mode power supply. Nothing more and nothing less and you certainly can get such amp for less bucks , if this is what you are looking for.



  • Tilman,
    I am not entering your inventation on amp manufacturer or amp quality critisism (read: spreading negativity about your competition) Neither should you. This is not the way to gain the respect needed for your new product.
    I have more respect for people or companies who build their respect based on their own product qualities.

    So maybe you can educate us why a Class D amp should be better then a Class A/B amp. I believe that both classes could be based on mosfet design. Please be honest :)

  • Quote

    I am not entering your inventation on amp manufacturer or amp quality critisism (read: spreading negativity about your competition) Neither should you. This is not the way to gain the respect needed for your new product.
    I have more respect for people or companies who build their respect based on their own product qualities.

    So maybe you can educate us why a Class D amp should be better then a Class A/B amp. I believe that both classes could be based on mosfet design. Please be honest :)


    I did not spread anything nor did I invite someone to do so. If you read my post again you will see, that I even pointed out that the amp is good and very useful for amplifying the KPA.
    If you understood it another way : I apologize.

    He seemed to be very concerned about the cost for the amplifier he is going to buy and I wanted to point out that there are cheaper 19" Mosfet amps on the marked. I do not see what is wrong with this statement. If you call that "spreading negativity" ...well... that is up to you.
    No word about "quality" from me. Again, I said those are good amplifiers. A good amplifier must have a good quality...right ?

    I also did not say Class D would be better than A/B Mosfet amps....did I? And yes, both topologies can have Mosfets in their output stage. Though they have VERY different functions in both designs.


  • Sounds like a fair price imo! When are you taking (pre)orders? :thumbup:

    Preorders and orders? For the black KPA we take pre orders right now (mail to: info@ritteramps.de). The owner of the white version have to be a little patient though.....
    This is due to the different back space design of the two versions of the KPA. Actually 6 sets of Camplifer designs have to be made by us for only one KPA....
    However, the Camplifiers for the black KPAs are almost ready to go and the Camplifier versions for the white one will follow ASAP.

  • What kind of cabs/speakers are recommended for the amp?

    And please excuse my ignorance for tech issues in relation with amps, but what is the difference between an off the shelf pa amp (2x200W) from like i.e. KONRAD the great retail god in Germany :rolleyes:
    Don't get me wrong. I need more from "Mr. Hartmut Hardsale of HOT" on this topic. Our band uses such amp in the practice room running the PA with a 24 channel analog mixer board. And I plug in my Kemper in and the sound is great, phantastique and so on :thumbup:!
    Maybe I'm not the right customer for your product and should get a set of FRFRs or stick with my one channel Laney monitor for my home use. I like the idea of integration, but a turn down is the extra weight for lugging the Kemper around.

    So, if you like make me drool over the camplifier and have me ask my wife for a special christmas gift 8o

    Thanx in advance for the effort.


    PS: I've got a black face KPA (warmer sound, more soul and blues)

  • Well, the idea is to have an integrated system where the KPA is a real amp head and you can connect it to your favorite cabs (cab off on the Kemper) or to the dedicated FR cabs (cab on) still keeping the look of a traditional amp system on stage.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Well, the idea is to have an integrated system where the KPA is a real amp head and you can connect it to your favorite cabs (cab off on the Kemper) or to the dedicated FR cabs (cab on) still keeping the look of a traditional amp system on stage.


    yes exactly that is the idea!
    The main selling point Mr. Hartmut Hardsale stresses a lot is this one :D .
    Most PA amplifiers, or amps made for guitar use in the solid state world , come in a 19" format. I said MOST....not all of them.
    If you gig from time to time, you have to carry the 19" amplifier and the KPA and some kind of speaker cabinet to the gig. You can now maybe put the 19" amp on the speaker cab and on the 19" the KPA. This works but it does look a little....not so very nice I would say.

    You can buy a small rack for the 19" and carry that with you and put it on top of the cab or somewhere else....this works and it does look better.

    With the Camplifier :

    You do not have to worry where to put the amplifier on stage and you do not have to buy and carry a rack with you.
    You just take the KPA out of your rehearsal room or studio, drive to your gig, put the KPA on top of your speaker cab and you are ready to rock.

    You could say the Camplifier is a product for the musicians convenience. It kind of comes from the same spirit that lead to the invention of guitar combos a long time ago. Most musicians want to concentrate on playing and after show events...not on setting up and carrying around many different pieces of equipment.

    As for the weight...well...it is about 1kg. Definitely much less than a standard 19" amplifier.

    We recommend using our Camper passive linear speaker cabinets with it since they sound great, look good and give you a linear response to really enjoy the KPAs profiles on stage.


  • Dear Hartmut,

    thank you for your pitch. I've got the picture. I got intrigued with the Kemper's possibility to go directly in FOH mixer and have in ear monitoring, which in return means traveling with really light luggage. Now, on the other side the Camplifier will return the "kick in the back" sound on stage in a well packaged product. Indeed, serious consideration is required as well as some work to convey this wish list item to my wife. :love:
    Might not be for Christmas. Maybe I have to wait for Osterhase* ;)

    (*Easter Bunny)

    Thanx again