The Push/Hold paradigm

  • I really like the Push/Hold paradigm of the user interface of the KPA. I mean by this expression that, for all the buttons corresponding to items (input, effects, amplifier, cab, master, etc.) of the signal path (and in a certain sense this is true also for [SYSTEM] and [QUICK]), there is one "simple" function (like to toggle on and off a switch) for which you just push the button. To enter the edit mode (the pages that allow the edition of the parameters relative to the item), you hold the button.

    However, the [RIG] button is the exception to this paradigm : if you hold it, you just toggle on/off the fact that the current rig is a favourite, and you need to "just" push it to enter the edit mode. I find this very confusing, and most of the time, I invert these two operations, and I flag the current rig as favourite (or not) while I want to edit it, and vice versa.

    So, my request is : wouldn't it be more logical to have the [RIG] button obey the general Push/Hold paradigm, rather than be the sole button that work the inverse way ? Could this correction be implemented in a future FW ?


    J. Jacques.

    PS: I know there is currently no simple "Push" function associated to the [INPUT], [MASTER] and [SYSTEM] button, but holding these buttons allows to enter the edit mode, so I'm satisfied with the way they work.