Rig Manager - Not Showing Selected Effect Types

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    In Kemper Rig Manager, I can see which effects type I'm using (for example, reverb):

    Signal chain block says Reverb
    Check mark next to reverb
    Check mark next to EZ Reverb
    Then for the final menu, there is no check mark next to the actual reverb I have selected.

    It's like this with all effects. I can't see what exact effect I have selected.

    Is this a bug or is this just how it is all the time?

  • This is standard for all Kemper units and all FX types. The specific effects you are referring to aren’t efftypes but simply presets of the settings used. The Kemper logic for not showing the prest name is that as soon as you adjust one parameter its is no longer the preset you loaded so the name is irrelevant at that point.