Kemper Player on / off Output Volume change

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    ☑️ Profiler Player

    Hi, it was happened to me several times, i do soundcheck and turn off my kemper player, after 1 hr or so i turn it on again but the voumen is too high, the Master Vol Knob is in the same position so i have to turn it down a lot. This has happened kinda often, i'm on the last IOS.

    Also 4 days ago in a rehearsal lights when off 2 times, then when player was on i was switching between rigs but i got the same clean sound for all rigs, i saw the rig #2 on ,that supposed to be overdrive, but was clean, this is the first time that happened tho. But the volume change happens often, dont know whats wrong, i'm going to log into rig manager on my phone next time it happens to see the Master output level change. Hope this bug can be worked out