Player Master Volume toggle functio

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    ☑️ Profiler Player

    I know that you can assign which outputs are affected by the Master Volume via the output section in Rig Manager. However, I very rarely manage to get Rig Manager on my Phone or iPad to connect via access point at a gig or rehearsal and I often want to change whether the Master Volume knob controls Main Output or Monitor Outputs. Therefore, I would very much appreciate some way of toggling the Volume Knob directly on the Player itself. RM connection isn’t consistent enough for,critical functions in my experience.

  • is this a scenario you want to do mid-gig, several times per event or at the start of the event?

    It could be dangerous to have this function easily accessible to users as most players wouldnt want to accidentally make this change mid-gig.

    Could it be determined via midi command?

    Alternatively, you could have some kind of harware device that allows you to do this, perhaps externally switching to the same physical output rather than relying on the internal settings. Its the same reason, i guess, why output recall-configurations are limited on the rack/stage so there are no unexpected/dangerous level jumps

  • is this a scenario you want to do mid-gig, several times per event or at the start of the event?

    It could be dangerous to have this function easily accessible to users as most players wouldnt want to accidentally make this change mid-gig.

    Could it be determined via midi command?

    Alternatively, you could have some kind of harware device that allows you to do this, perhaps externally switching to the same physical output rather than relying on the internal settings. Its the same reason, i guess, why output recall-configurations are limited on the rack/stage so there are no unexpected/dangerous level jumps

    It's not really something I want to do mid gig.

    I don't want to rely on midi. When I use the Player it is for a totally minimalist pick and go setup. I only carry two guitars and a Player in a single double guitar gig bag (no pedal board and no midi footswitches, external tuners etc). I use one or maybe two rigs for the whole set. I actually have the Player set up to only allow access to one bank via rig up down footswitches to avoid accidentally losing track of which rig I am using.

    Today's example, I had the master volume set to control Monitor Outputs as I had been using the monitor outs as my stereo main out into my audio interface at home ( I don't want to use the Kemper as my interface). However, at rehearsal I connected the main mono output direct to the desk and went straight to the PA and monitors. No amp, cabinet, IEM etc just straight to the PA via main out. Even if I had connected a TS cable from the Monitor Out to the desk today I would still have needed access to RM to set monitor out to master mono as it was previously at stereo.

    The desk is at one end of a large rehearsal room and I set up at the other. It's 10 piece band so there are lots of people, mic cables and horns to negotiate to get to the desk. I set a general level on the desk at the start of the rehearsal but as the day progressed and horns/drummer/bass player all changed their levels I wanted to adjust my level from time to time. This meant going over to the desk. My guitar cable isn't long enough to reach so I need to put the guitar down and walk over adjust levels without hearing the effect and walk back to my spot and hope the level is right. It wasn't so this took several trips each time I wanted to make a change. Ideally, I would just have set the channel on the desk louder than I could ever need and just turn down the master volume on the player as required on the fly.

    This would have been easily achievable if I had access to Rig Manager but without it I was stuck. Rig Manager on mobile devices over wifi is just to flakey to be reliable in a critical situation like that. I am not suggesting the problem always (or maybe even ever) lies with the Player and Rig Manager. It could simply be phones and iPads etc that are set up incorrectly or two devices that are conflicting with each other vying for connection to the Player. However, tracking down the issue in a stressful situation like rehearsals or gigs can be almost impossible. I have tried on at least 4 occasions recently and been unable to get a connection on any of them. Funnily enough, I have been troubleshooting at home tonight and I seem to have it working again. Hopefully it will stay working at the next rehearsal but the point is simply that a dedicated way to access both Main and Monitor volumes directly on the Player would avoid these issues entirely.

    On a gig I would typically want to send the Main Out to FOH and use the Monitor for my onstage cabinet or IEM. In this case I might find that the Player's Master Volume knob was set to Main outs last time I used it and would want a quick way to switch over to controlling my monitor only without trying to connect to RM via wifi.

    I believe that simply toggling between Main and Monitor on the Player hardware would be sufficient as it is much less likely you would need to switch to Headphones on a gig/rehearsal but maybe other options would be important to some so that is an issue for the designers and other users to consider. From my perspective, I simply want to be able to toggle between the two outputs that I would use live.

    I agree it might be something that could be accidentally triggered in a live setting but even this is unlikely to be a catastrophic problem. Maybe a two button combination would avoid this risk though. It seems like a missed opportunity that the master volume knob doesn't have a push secondary function like the rig volume and gain knobs as this would be a perfect scenario for such a function.

    With regards to output level settings not being saved in output profiles that is another thing that annoys me and means I just don't use output profiles as the saved levels is really one of the main things I would want to use profiles for.