Kemper Player MIDI doesn't work correctly

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    ☑️ Profiler Player

    The following problem. I have a cymatic utrack 24 which plays a MIDI file during playback to switch the different channels of the Kemper. We have two Kemper connected. One Kemper on MIDI channel 1, the second Kemper on MIDI channel 2. So far we have used a Kemper Rack and a Kemper Stage. Everything has worked perfectly so far. Now we have changed the setup to 2 Kemper players. We have set them to Channel 1 and Channel 2, but now the following problem has arisen. The Kemper only switches once. The Kemper ignores all MIDI commands that continue to be output in the MIDI file during the playback. If you switch the Kemper to OMNI, it continues to accept the commands. However, this is impractical as we have different channel changes for both Kemper. We have now solved this with a USB-to-MDI cable that can filter certain channels. However, this is only an emergency solution. Since the whole thing worked with the Kemper Stage and with the Kemper Rack, it must have something to do with the Kemper Player. Has anyone had the same experience or any ideas as to what else could be causing this?

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  • We are not aware of any software issues in the MIDI area in regard to the Player's specifications. Obviously the Player has reduced functionality and therefor some MIDI comands might be meaningless. If you have for example used MIDI bank select LSB in combination with MIDI progam changes to reach the 625 Slots of all 125 Performances, you might exceed the valid address room of the Player, which just needs MIDI progam changes 1-50. Using MIDI control changes #50-54 to initially load Rigs and then trigger Morphing subsequently, does also not work, since the Player has no Morphing.

    Loading sounds at the Player is extremely simple: Send a program change in the range of 1-50 on the correct MIDI channel. Program change # 1 loads bank 1 slot 1, program change # 6 loads bank 2 slot 1, ...

    If you have used the "UI to MIDI" function at your Rack or Stage to record a MIDI track in your software, this might include a lot of Sysex stuff and not be completely compatible with the Player.

  • thanks for the answer. the midi file is created in a daw and only contains program changes in the cc 50-54 range. according to the instructions, these are the same commands as for the Kemper Stage or Kemper Rack. The Kemper Player also accepts these commands as long as it is set to "OMNI". However, if I select a specific receive channel, the Kemper Player only accepts the first CC command and ignores all further commands. If the Kemper Player is connected to the PC and receives the MIDI commands directly from the DAW, it works even if the Kemper is switched to a specific channel. However, it no longer works if the Kemper is not connected to a PC but is connected to the cymatic utrack, for example. However, the Kemper Stage and Rack also worked without any problems when connected to the utrack.

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  • First CC 50-54 are no program changes, but control changes. As mentioned before, these CCs do not just support Rig load, but also Morphing, which is not supported by the Player. These also need special treatment: Each control change 5X value >0 needs to by followed with the same CC number with value =0 to fully close the transaction. And these CC 50-54 are only able to load Rigs within the current bank. You need to send for example a CC# 47 to preselect another bank. If you send CC# 47 >10, which is outside of the Playyer memory, the following CC# 50-54 goes to nirvana.

    I tested these CC#s here and these work exactly according to their specs. With CC# 47 and 50-54 I'm able to load each of the 50 Rigs across all banks as described in the Player manual and as often as I want. And it doesn't matter if the Player is set to Omni or to for example channel n, if I send on that channel n.

    How have you created that MIDI track? I cannot guarantee, that a MIDI track that you record via "UI to MIDI" with another PROFILER model is fully compatible with the Player. The fact that it only works with OMNI could indicate that a few sysex message are involved.

    I suggest you compose that MIDI track manually. If you do so I would suggest to use program changes instead of control changes. It makes the handling much easier. At least you need to check the recorded MIDI track if all recorded comands make sense at the Player.