Digitech FreqOut alternative with MIDI controll

  • Hello friends of good rock music,
    I need your advice, as we have completely converted our band to in-ear (silinet stage) which has a lot of advantages at the moment,
    but it has one huge disadvantage for me: as a guitarist I find it impossible to produce decent feedback sounds.

    I have to say that I have everything in a 19" rack in the backline, guitar is wireless, so only the Kemper remote,
    three expression pedals and a MIDI floor controller are at the front of the stage.
    I have been thinking about buying a Digitech FreqOut for a while, but unfortunately the device has no option to be controlled via MIDI.
    I still have a Harley Benton FXL8 Pro Switcher (loop switcher) from the old pedalboard days, but this only has one MIDI out.

    Is there a similar device to the Digitech FreqOut that I could control via MIDI CC and PC?
    I was thinking about an HX Stomp but I don't know if it supports a FreqOut feedback loop.
    I din't found anything in the Manual about Feedback Effect.

    Thx a lot for your advise

    Be the force with you ;)

  • The HX stomp, HXFX, and HXone will all run the Feedback effect from the fuller fat Helix.

    Same model, sounds exactly the same. You do need to update to the latest available update for it.

    NB - its not in the Helix manual either.

    Edited once, last by ajbsmirnoff (July 23, 2024 at 8:40 PM).