• Following my last album, here is a fast & funky themed track :

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    Thx to Per for the name of the track ;) & Mats_Nermark for the dist bass rig , as always !

  • I like that 70's Funky strumming. Nice track, Renaud!

    Thx , that strum is a combination of rhythm chokes palm mutes on a fast stomping wah , I learnt the trick from studying voodoo chile, you should definitely try it to add some percussion to your tracks , like fast bongo beatnik vibe :)

    That bass is as nasty as they come!

    I really like the way you voiced the left and right rhythm guitars.

    Thx Mats, about the bass : I only used the low E string for all my 50+ tracks made with your bass rigs , you can transpose without glitch , and you can use a 1 string guitar lol :)) The trick is to use a great groovy phrasing on that string (it's much harder on a real bass) , that's all I need to get that killer tone , kind of a signature tone from my last album, thx to your rig :)

    I'm honored!

    Ironically on this one I'm actually most excited by the dirty guitar and wah in there, yeah baby! I guess I just love me some funky grunge

    Thx , I'll, take that funky grunge sounds great , and maybe a new title for a new track ;)