updates on the websites security?

  • First things first: I was really happy to see that Kemper tried to be as open about the problem as possible in situations like these. As someone who works in IT I know how many companies are not sharing any information at all with their clients and I was really surprised (in a positive way) that Kemper used all their (remaining) channels to get the message out.

    Now my question:

    As Kemper stated in their statement on the website "We’ll keep you updated according to GDPR as soon as we get new insights from the forensic investigation team.": Are there any updates that can be shared with the public at the moment?

    • Official Post

    It would be premature to share more details. In the meantime, we've assigned many resources to setting up website components from scratch, including this forum. In other words, we did a lot to make those places more bulletproof.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here