Tuner - Ipad - combo switch

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    ☑️ Profiler Player

    Hi everyone,

    I've been using the player for a good two months now and I'm really satisfied.

    I see three areas that could be great improvements:

    1. Ipad connected via USB. Many people complain about the fact the player has no screen. Actually putting an ipad in front of it solves it immediately. But connecting it by wire directly to the player via USB would remove all potential problems of wifi disconnection etc...

    2. Tuner via the ipad. Indeed the standard tuner of the player is not fantastic. I use a Korg pedal on top. cf. point 1, since the tuner feature exist why not leveraging the IOS app to have a creen based nice tuner with kill switch capability. My other guitarist plays on the fender tone master, and the screen featured tuner looks awesome.

    3. Combo switches 1-2 2-3. I know this is planned in a future update. But typically this could be used to move bank up and band down. (note I use already the 3 switches of the player + an additionnal two of a kemper switch)

  • Hi everyone,

    I've been using the player for a good two months now and I'm really satisfied.

    I see three areas that could be great improvements:

    1. Ipad connected via USB. Many people complain about the fact the player has no screen. Actually putting an ipad in front of it solves it immediately. But connecting it by wire directly to the player via USB would remove all potential problems of wifi disconnection etc...

    I would love to see this added. I am sure the problems are user error rather than a fault in the Player or ipad/Android RM but I have had many situations where I couldn’t get the Player to connect to my phone at rehearsals or gigs. The most recent one was last night’s rehearsal which was a major PITA. While I am going to go and reread the manual and perform more tests until I fully understand the connection methodology, simply having a reliable physical connection to fall back on would be a life saver.