NRPD. New Rack Preamp Day. RAWK !!!!

  • Brilliant! What an awesome playground and GAS universe 8)

    The much I like my super lean "Kemper only" concept the much it still excites me to see that stuff. And super nice DIY. Looks great! Eye-catching Mesa Triaxis with its incredible (physical) depth 8o

    I could not agree more!

    Looks like such a fun project and great to see some of the old stuff revived!!

  • I could not agree more!

    Looks like such a fun project and great to see some of the old stuff revived

    And. Having it integrate with the (relatively) newer stuff makes it a dream to use. Using the multiple FX loops (and patchbays) available I can make the FX serial or parallel without needing a line mixer (although I'd like to add one for authenticity). Being able to use IRs instead of power amps, speaker cabs and mics is 'the bomb'.

    The SPX-900 is very cool. The chorusing and micropitch are [chef's kiss] excellent. I may be aable to avoid buying an Eventide pedal.

    Position 2 or 4 on a strat > Clean amp > dbx compressor > SDX-90 (symphonic patch) > Boss Dimension C in SDD320 mode > SDE330 [circular delays) > SRV 330 (any large room reverb) (optional SRV 3030 for extra lush reverb) = instant late 80s LA clean sound. Stacking choruses and reverbs are cool.

    NB Matts Nermark's 'LA 80s clean rack' profile is a great reference to emulate.

    Also - I've started cabling the footswitch/exp sockets on the back of the devices - and some foot switches/amp switching to the patchbay. It may seem a bit 'caveman' is these days of wireless midi - but its really flexible.

    Edited 3 times, last by ajbsmirnoff (September 2, 2024 at 2:39 PM).

  • The dream- 'I'd like a Bob Bradshaw rack please'

    The reality - Yippee a second hand MXR/CAE 403 power supply for my pedal drawers !!@!!111

    To date I've been using Caline style semi-isolated (common ground) power supplies for each drawer of pedals and their associate wall warts. But I picked this up yesterday and will be moving to some completely isolated power and 'less wall warts'. I've also added a 2nd AC power distributor for the bottom half of the rack as the original one was getting way over crowded.

    The bonus will be that I can separately turn on the top half / bottom half / pedals independently without having the whole rack powered

    This is as close to some Bradshaw in my rack as I'm likely to get until a CAE preamp appears in my local guitar shop.