Kemper Player, add the compressor in amp-section (like on the Kemper Stage)

  • Please add the "one knob" compressor in amp-section on the Kemper Player. (like on the Kemper Stage). It`s ok that the effects are different between the player and the stage, but the amp/cab-settings should be 100% identical between the Kemper Stage/Toaster and The Player. I`ve spent quite some hours/gigs adjusting this on my profiles, and it would be great not to do this one more time.

    Thanks for the great products and support Kemper

  • Believe it or not, it is actually there but out of reach. You just need to access it using NRPN midi controls. (NRPN number 1290 same as on the rack/stage)

    Amp Compressor NRPN = cc 99 value 10, cc 98 value 10 (MSB+LSB)

    Parameter value = cc 6 value 64, cc 38 value 0 (MSB+LSB)

    Just set the desired value. The values shown are for a mid-way value.

    If none of this makes sense you'd benefit from learning about midi and NRPN, maybe you do, so i assume nothing.