Using Kemper Stage to control Vodoo PX-8 switcher issue

  • Hello :)

    I'm trying to use the Kemper Stage to control my Vodoo PX-8 switcher.

    I have midi out from the Kemper connected to Midi in on the PX-8.

    I have both set to midi channel 1.

    I have an old Roland FC-200 that works well with the PX-8 but, I'd like to have the Kemper stage set the PX-8 switches based on the Kemper rig selected.

    I've attached 2 photos showing my Kemper setup.

    Again, really appreciate the help :)

  • You have to go to the slot in the performance itself, edit -> midi -> midi number (1-128) to configure the PX8 switches.

    I use a MIDI loop switcher to select specific loops.

    Example: sending 124 will activate loop 3, or 125 activates loops 2 and 3, etc.

    I may have missed a step as I’m not near my Profiler. That should get you pointed in the right direction.

  • "You have to go to the slot in the performance itself, edit -> midi -> midi number (1-128) to configure the PX8 switches."

    when i hit the edit button i don't see any midi settings other than in the system menu. I must not be in the right menu...

    I selected the input and then tried to edit. I also selected the output and tried to edit but, can't find any midi settings.

    I'll keep looking... thanks :)

  • You have to go to the slot in the performance itself, edit -> midi -> midi number (1-128) to configure the PX8 switches.

    I use a MIDI loop switcher to select specific loops.

    Example: sending 124 will activate loop 3, or 125 activates loops 2 and 3, etc.

    I may have missed a step as I’m not near my Profiler. That should get you pointed in the right direction.

    I found it !!!! what was happening was every time i hit the edit button it was editing the output section....

    But, if I hit the back/return button (looks like a circle back arrow) i could see the edit function above the name of the rig (top left of the LCD). Then I could Press “Edit", “Slot Settings” > “MIDI Settings”. then I changed Midi Device A to PrgChg and then i gave it a midi message of 1 (or what ever number to switch the PX-8 to). Thanks for helping out !!!! :)