Pink screen with KPA "off"

  • Hi!

    I had yesterday this strange phenomenon. After about half an hour of playing, I powered off the KPA by turning the chickenhead knob to the 'off' position. It started displaying "-- OFF --", then I did something else (like puting the guitar back in its case). One or two minutes later, while looking at the KPA, I found that everything was off, except the screen which was glowing with a dark pink color, and slightly pulsing. I should have taken a picture at that moment, but I just turned the knob to "Browse". The KPA booted correctly. No problem. Switched off again, and this time everything went off normally. So, no real inconvenience, it just happened once. I am using 1.1.1. I was just curious to know if someone had already seen that before...

    Best regards.


  • I believe it happened to one or two members here, but quite a while ago and with very early FW versions....IIRC it was not leading to malfunctions....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff