Hey Guys! getting better!

  • So hey dudes!

    Its been a while and im excited to say this wont be a negative post YAY! hahaha.

    So as you may know for years ive struggled to enjoy my little toaster and spend many thousands over the years trying to better my experience and each time i seemed to be keep hitting a brick wall.

    Well...i think im finally starting to love my kemper hahaha.

    I upgraded all my cables (threw out all the junk) and even bought a new audio interface UA Apollo Twin its INCREDIBLE!! I also used the same extension cable for my gear (i read somewhere it helps with interference) and i know this is probably going against what all producers and musicians do and recommend concerning studio monitor placement but i no longer have them on my desk facing inwards (the triangle position) directly in my face and the sound difference is just mind blowing. I have realy sensitive ears including tinitus in one ear so all the midd to high distorted frequencies were constantly just blasting me directly in my face and ripping through my ears i truly believe THAT was the horrid sound i kept on experiencing over and over again whenever using a high gain or distorted profile.

    I now have my monitors off my desk and lowered out of my face range so the frequencies are no longer kicking my poor tympanic membranes to smithereens resulting now in a more comfortable and warmer tone and i must say im rather loving my kemper...how ace is this? I got the idea when i thought to myself Well Ya wouldnt and dont sit directly infront of your cab inch's away from ya face when playing through ya amp would ya? and no i dont so the new placement decision was made and to me its night and day.

    Im also playing around with string gauges and brands figuring out that heavier gauge sound more dull like old dying strings in the low end (to me) and the lighter gauge are more bright and sustain more...maybe its because the lighter gauge fit my nut better making them ring out better also different picks. So many little things change so many other things and sometimes for the better...like a pick! its mental! lol

    But anyways...huge progress being made dudes so im currently smiling lots.

    Also getting better at dialing in tones. Loads of learning been happening.


    Hope you are all doing great and thanks again for putting up with my sh*t all these years haha.

    Rock on!

  • Some simple tips I learned chasing tone on the Kemper;

    -Not all rigs go with all guitars (or pickup configurations). A rig may only like one setup. Try a different guitar or just skip it.

    -Gain always needs to be reduced more than you want.

    -Low cuts are important to get rid of mud and warbliness and sometimes only a very soft high cut if at all.

    -I can't live without my Kemper.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Some simple tips I learned chasing tone on the Kemper;

    -Not all rigs go with all guitars (or pickup configurations). A rig may only like one setup. Try a different guitar or just skip it.

    -Gain always needs to be reduced more than you want.

    -Low cuts are important to get rid of mud and warbliness and sometimes only a very soft high cut if at all.

    -I can't live without my Kemper.

    All of the above is what ive been implementing brother :) there are indeed some profiles that sound like arse but killer on my other guitars and indeed i dial back that distortion quite a bit these days no more Spinal Tap 11 shenanigans here lol

    Ive also been educationg myself better on where instruments live in a mix like bass guitars kick drums snare and where to cut those pointless subs in guitars etc.

    Feel like im finaly on the UP :)

  • Speaker placement is indeed important. I've got my KRK's on my desk almost against the back wall resulting in a bloated bass. I turned down the bass knobs on the back of the speakers and damped the wall with foam stuff. Indeed normally you don't have a guitar cab blasting in your face. But guitar speakers aren't full range, studio monitors are. IMHO the tweeters should be on ear's level.

  • Speaker placement is indeed important. I've got my KRK's on my desk almost against the back wall resulting in a bloated bass. I turned down the bass knobs on the back of the speakers and damped the wall with foam stuff. Indeed normally you don't have a guitar cab blasting in your face. But guitar speakers aren't full range, studio monitors are. IMHO the tweeters should be on ear's level.

    I have raised them up so they are alomst ear level. My ears are busted from years of abuse in bands hearing tweeter frequencies from a distorted profile or amp sim just drills my ears to point of it being in agony its almost instant ear fatigue. since ive lowered them i dont seem to get tas much timpanic destruction haha. Im not sure what else i could do...i was considering replacing my monitors with a decent set of headphones but will i run into the same problem?...maybe.


  • I knew it was too good to be true lol.

    I couldnt even turn the unit off I had to pull the plug out.

    This happened when I opened up Rig manager on my desktop.

    After a restart everything seems fine again.

    My kemper just keeping me on my toes as usual the little tinker lol.

    Ha! You should know by now you should never say things are going well!

    In all seriousness, I'm soooo happy you have made progress and feel happier. For me gear is irrelevant, its how you feel so I'm so pleased.

    Now stop moaning and play some great guitar :)

  • Ha! You should know by now you should never say things are going well!

    In all seriousness, I'm soooo happy you have made progress and feel happier. For me gear is irrelevant, its how you feel so I'm so pleased.

    Now stop moaning and play some great guitar :)

    Thanks brother! It may have been 5 or so years but progress is finally being made 👊😜