USB recording in Logic Pro X

  • Is there a way to set the USB signal when recording with USB? The Main and Output Section Main Volume should not matter. I tried setting the Main Out to -12dB on page 1 out Output section and Main Volume is -20dB and changing lots of obvious volumes. Even the DAW Volume setting on the USB output page 7 does not effect the signal. When recording USB, it is straight into my Mac into LogicPro X and the signal is super hot and I'm getting a clipped signal.

  • Digital signals can not clip by definition. 0 dB is the max that a digital signal can reach. The output levels for the analog outputs do not influence the signal that is sent from the USB port.

    If you feel that the USB signal is too hot you can turn down the rig volume and the amp volume in the amp module of the Profiler.

    DAW volume controls the level of the signal that Logic sends back into the Profiler.

  • Thanks for the quick reply. Maybe "clipping" is the wrong term. Historically, if I set input correctly from a microphone or line-in source I usually see a nice dynamic range with peaks and valleys in the signal waveform. The signal I am seeing is a really square (pretty much maxed out) signal. I'll try lowering the rig and amp volume. I thought I tried that and it didn't work though.

  • Is the profile a very distorted one? In that case there will not be much in the way of peaks and valleys :)

    I wonder also if you've accidentally zoomed in on the waveforms as described in this video:

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