Reamping with 1.5.0

  • Hi...

    Since we have a lot of output sources with the new 1.5.0 version, I've been thinking about the best way to reamp . I guess that the best option is now to use spidif out to record the dry instrument signal, instead of the analog direct output of the kemper. At the same time we can also record the wet signal by using git/stack, git/mod left or git/mod mono. All these options are ok, but, what if I want to use delay or reverb in the wet signal. How can I monitor or record the full signal with all effects and the instrument signal at once?

  • Hi Ivan,

    for me it sounds like a common reamp.

    I don´t know what is you DAW (digital audio workstation, Pro Tools, Cubase, Logic ... ) and you recording equipment, like interface ...

    but try to make it like this if possible.

    1 Run you guitar directly into your interface (for example INPUT 1) go check your daw and create a channel select for input the INPUT 1 where your guitar is.

    2 Then switch in the same channel the out put to OUT 2-3 or spdif.

    3 go to the selected output from your interface and connect it with the kemper input Spdif or front input.

    4 connect the monitor output from the kpa with a different input (let´s say INPUT 2)

    5 go again to you daw an create a 2nd channel and select for the input, INPUT 2.

    Now when you record and enabling both channels you record a dry signal and the singal which goes into you KPA.

    If you have problem with latency the record the dry signal by simply put record the guitar dry into yout interface and later do with the recorded signal the same 5 steps so you can use the kemper like Amplitube :)
    simply change amps or tweak around till you sound ist perfect.

    hope this will help you

  • thank F_Minuzzi for your help.

    Unfortunately my interface don't let me do it that way, my interface don't have enough channels. Prior to 1.5.0. I used to record my dry signal through one channel of my interface and wet signal through spdif out of my kemper direct to spdif in of my soundcard (no interface here). Now, I'd like to use spdif out of the kemper to record both signals, if it's possible.

  • Just select Git/Mod Mono for the SPDIF and you'll do exactly that. You'll need to add delay and reverb from the DAW, but that is mostly the case in a recording situation

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Thanks, guitarnet70..

    I knew about that option, but I just wanted to know why not an option like "git/master left". Thus, we can use deley/reverb while reamping.

    I guess you don't really want to record the stereo reverb and delay in mono. This is why this option does not exist.
    A mono reverb is awfull!

  • Thanks for replying, ckemper.

    I understand what you mean. I just want to be able to monitor the delay/reverb as I record my dry signal (no matter if it's mono). Then I can reamp in order to record the wet signal with stereo effects.

    By the way, great job!!!!!!

  • Thanks for replying, ckemper.

    I understand what you mean. I just want to be able to monitor the delay/reverb as I record my dry signal (no matter if it's mono). Then I can reamp in order to record the wet signal with stereo effects.

    By the way, great job!!!!!!

    Then monitor by the analog outs!
    The analog audiopaths in the Profiler are of high quality and quite expensive parts, that you've paid.
    Go and use it :D

  • Why? Just leave them at "Master Stereo"

    I monitor the delay and reverb via main out "delay / reverb wet" if I record the dry stack and DI via SPDIF (or I use delay/reverb on my DAW for monitoring purposes). If the main output carries also the stack signal you'll get phase problems in your monitored signal because the DA and AD conversion causes a slight delay to the main out signal compared to SPDIF. To eliminate this you would have to mute the SPDIF signal in your monitoring and then you would not be monitoring the signal you're recording - probably not much of difference for timing of the playing but why not be as perfect as possible. The KPA certainly provides the flexibility in an easy way.

    So to me best solution is to use only the wet reverb and delay in main out for monitoring. This way if you wish you can also record them to a separate track and later mix them in with the desired level.

  • I monitor the delay and reverb via main out "delay / reverb wet" if I record the dry stack and DI via SPDIF (or I use delay/reverb on my DAW for monitoring purposes). If the main output carries also the stack signal you'll get phase problems in your monitored signal because the DA and AD conversion causes a slight delay to the main out signal compared to SPDIF. To eliminate this you would have to mute the SPDIF signal in your monitoring and then you would not be monitoring the signal you're recording - probably not much of difference for timing of the playing but why not be as perfect as possible. The KPA certainly provides the flexibility in an easy way.

    So to me best solution is to use only the wet reverb and delay in main out for monitoring. This way if you wish you can also record them to a separate track and later mix them in with the desired level.

    TMV, I wouldn't have explained it with better words ;)

    One more question:

    Isn't the "Git Studio" output supposed to be affected only by noise gate and volume pedal?. I've noticed that the Git Studio level is also modified by the gain Knob, and If you change the rig and that rig has different Gain then you'll have to adjust your input level again.

    Is it working porperly?...or ...Am Idoing something wrong?.

  • I think the best way to record with reamping in mind would be that the SPDIF would carry the Stack signal without the FX section on the left side, while the guitar dry signal is on the right side. Since Recording Reverb or any other stereo effect in mono doesn´t make sense you would add those FX later in the DAW or get them in the 2nd pass while reamping.

    However you should perhaps be using the monitor out while tracking. If you use a rig with delay you will need to hear those fx while playing.

    Would be great if you could switch those routing setups with a button or a preset since it is likely you will change it very often.

  • Hiii:

    I asked this question a week ago:

    "Isn't the "Git Studio" output supposed to be affected only by noise gate and volume pedal?. I've noticed that the Git Studio level is also modified by the gain Knob, and If you change the rig and that rig has different Gain then you'll have to adjust your input level again.

    Is it working porperly?...or ...Am Idoing something wrong?."

    Does anybody notice this? ....

  • I think the best way to record with reamping in mind would be that the SPDIF would carry the Stack signal without the FX section on the left side, while the guitar dry signal is on the right side. Since Recording Reverb or any other stereo effect in mono doesn´t make sense you would add those FX later in the DAW or get them in the 2nd pass while reamping.

    However you should perhaps be using the monitor out while tracking. If you use a rig with delay you will need to hear those fx while playing.

    Would be great if you could switch those routing setups with a button or a preset since it is likely you will change it very often.
