Using remote as MIDI device - Standalone?

  • Hi All,

    Apologies if this has been covered but I couldn't see it anywhere (which i found surprising...)

    Im in the market for something that can control DAW actions while with my feet while I'm playing guitar and I thought i'd ask the question before I go out and buy something else, can the Kemper remote be used in standalone more so to speak? ie if i plug it into by network/computer and bypass my Kemper rack will it be operational or even light up? i think the answer is probably no.


    i like using the rig manager on the iPad when I'm in the studio partly because of where the Kemper is positioned in the room and it just works well for me. Unless I'm mistaken, one can't use the remote and the iPad app at the same time anyway as the iPad rig manager requires you to have the Kemper plugged into the network which requires you to unplug the remote which would normally connect via the same network input on the back of the profiler (this is a bit of a pain to be honest).

    The idea

    So i thought, if the remote is just sitting there doing nothing, it would be a great foot controller given all the option's on it and Im very used to using it already.


    1 - Can i use the remote separate to the Kemper rack and/or am I right about only being able to use one at a time in terms of remote/iPad connectivity?

    2 - Is there a hybrid option that is the way to go where I sacrifice say four buttons on the remote for use as DAW functions or can i switch back and fourth between midi more and Kemper mode? (obviously i don't want the Kemper to start switching amps and junk while I'm performing other commands).

    3 - If you've got a different solution you've tried such as a stream pedal and the like I'd be interested in hearing what it is.


    Lastly, if you're one of those losers who seems to enjoy wasting other peoples time not to mention your own by replying with unhelpful comments that have no relevance to the questions i;ve asked you can save your energy as i have already done that for you below:

  • Get one of these and sell your remote (or keep it for the Rack)

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    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • The Remote can function with the app running. There are several threads here discussing how to split the signal from the back of the Profiler, add a POE injector and add WiFi to the head and rack.

    The Remote cannot function on its own. It works with the head and rack. Nothing else.

  • Hi Apiary I think that is an interesting question and thought to give it a try myself - in my case Logic Pro X for DAW.

    BTW, which DAW are you using?

    Second thing to keep in mind, I use a Kemper Stage for this, but I'm really sure that the Remote is sending the same Midi Data as the Stage.

    I use Browser Mode for this and don't have any assignments to the 4 upper fx-buttons.

    My Kemper ist connected via USB cable to my Mac.

    In Logic I assign the 4 buttons like this:

    1. Play

    2. Stop

    3. Record

    4. Go to the Beginning

    This works without any problems.

    I also can connect my iPad to the Kemper and edit the Rig I like to change on the fly as we all know it.

    If you want to use the remote exclusively for the DAW switching, I would try to connect it via Midi to an audio interface (in case you're not doing this already).

    Keep in mind that switching to a Rig which has already assignments to the 4 upper buttons will turn on and off the functions you give them, but also control the stuff you have assign for the DAW.

    So basically I would use a separate Rig (empty Rig), If I would control the DAW only - as you've said, you don't need the Remote in the studio to control you Kemper.

    Let me know If this is the way you want to go or am I totally false with this.

    Kemper Stage User

  • Get one of these and sell your remote (or keep it for the Rack)

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    I actually did look at this a little while ago, looks nice but I have bought too much recently

  • The Remote can function with the app running. There are several threads here discussing how to split the signal from the back of the Profiler, add a POE injector and add WiFi to the head and rack.

    The Remote cannot function on its own. It works with the head and rack. Nothing else.

    ok, I thought that would be the case. I'll check those threads out, that might at least solve half of it, if I leave it plugged in (iPad or no iPad) perhaps I could plug something into those 4 TRS inputs in the remove and just use those for midi stuff.

  • thanks mate - yeah ok ill have a look into that and give it a go. I get worried sending messages from something into the Kemper as I had a bad experience once which has put me off a bit I suppose. I'm not thinking I could plugin some momentaries into the 4 pedal inputs on the remove (ie new functions, not already assigned by anything else) and use those to control It's a bit messy but I suppose that really doesn't matter.

    As fr what you are able to do, I'm pretty sure the stage has one or two more modern connections than mine which I bought on day one almost. I don't know how people are using the remote and the iPad at the same time though I've tried a network cable splitter and even a network to usb cable but no luck. Another solution I thought might work is utilising the looper mode as this is really one of the only things I can think of that changes the state of buttons on the remote temporarily. I've checked and It seems I can resign those controls so that might be a goer too and quite fitting as one thing I won't need to do in this situation is looping because obviously, the computer is doing that.

  • ok, I thought that would be the case. I'll check those threads out, that might at least solve half of it, if I leave it plugged in (iPad or no iPad) perhaps I could plug something into those 4 TRS inputs in the remove and just use those for midi stuff.

    The four TRS jacks do not carry MIDI data. They are for expression pedals or extra foot switches.