Help with Panning with Morph Pedal (Kemper Powered head)

  • Hey all, I'm finally starting to dig into more of the functionality with my Kemper. Forgive me if this has already been discussed but I searched and couldn't find anything. I'd like to recreate some of the lead sounds I use in the studio which involves some panning back and forth (rotary speaker esque) on the kemper for practice and live. I know some people say stereo sound live isn't worth it but I figured I would at least give it a shot. I'd like to set it up so my morph pedal controls the panning of my signal but can't seem to get a set up that works, any suggestions on how to do this? Thank you! :) I have my output section set to stereo wherever I see it and run out from the left and right main outs into a PA.

    🤖Kemper Powered Profiler Head (always searching for that perfect amp profile)

    💕Guitarist for Yes Dear @yesdearband Shoegaze-y slowcore-y sad girl indie music💕

  • captev3 February 15, 2024 at 7:28 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Panning with Morph Pedal (Kemper Powered head)” to “Help with Panning with Morph Pedal (Kemper Powered head)”.
  • Thank you so much Bakersounds and Wheresthedug! Still getting used to being able to control literally anything with morph, and also still learning what parameters do what, and where they are.

    🤖Kemper Powered Profiler Head (always searching for that perfect amp profile)

    💕Guitarist for Yes Dear @yesdearband Shoegaze-y slowcore-y sad girl indie music💕

  • You might find this idea useful…

    Set up a performance of 5 rigs where each one is panned to a specific point in the stereo field. Rigs 1 and 5 panned hard left and hard right respectively. Rigs 2 and 4 panned 50% left and right respectively and rig 3 in the centre.

    If you are acoustic looping the centred Rig would be for rhythm beats, bass sounds and solos etc.

    If you plan your rigs carefully, you can use stomps to add a pitch shifter/octave to get bass sounds, Kemper drive to get lead sounds and delays reverbs etc all in the four stomp switches from the remote or a midi controller.

    If you use this set up, you can get some really great, complex and spacious loops going. If you are just using this in a live context it can create the sense of more than one guitarist or just create more interest in what you are playing.

    Just be aware that stereo in live situations can leave some of your audience missing some of your playing. It can also sound great though if you have a good space to play in and PA with good width dispersal.

    Use the Panorama effect to manage the panning. Either control with expression pedal or through the rig switch as described above.

    Have fun!


  • Great idea 🙌🏼