SPDIF vs Analog rating

  • Hey guys,

    I always struggled to get a decent clean tone with my kemper. For some reason I always thought that it could not handle the dynamics from picking clean with a hard pick and high gain humbucker.

    In the weekend I finally figured out whta was the "issue" ... at least I think it is !

    Headphone in the kemper and no issues (I did lower all my "normal" rig to - 5dB, leaving plenty of room for the cleans) ... with the spdif almost maxed out to my focusrite 8i6, I guess the signal was to hot for the scarlett to handle ? It was not clipping the signal leds, but I felt it did like it at all .. compressing the signal ?

    I then connected my normal main out with jacks to the scarlett and it was much better ... not nearly from what I hear from the headphone out from the kemper, which sounds insane good !

    Am I right that the analog outs have a higher dB level ? that it can handle compared to digital ?



    Kemper stage with 2 mission pedals (in a Thon line 6 FBV case) and a Zilla 212 (K-100/V30) , SD powerstage 700 poweramp