Player expression issue

  • I have a dunlop mini x connected to the exp input on the player. When i have a rig with a wah, everything works as it should.

    However: when I switch to a rig that has a volume pedal everything works great within that rig. The following issue occurs after using the expression pedal as a volume and switching back to a rig with a wah slot: gain is gone. All profiles now sound like the gain has been turned down 80%.

    Sometimes, when I unplug the cable in the expression input, the sound is gone completely. Reinserting the exp cable brings back the crippled gain sound.

    Only solution is to power cycle the Player.

    I used my Moog EP-3 from my power rack, and same issue.

    Edited once, last by Trigun (January 23, 2024 at 3:42 PM).

  • The reason the Gain is gone is because the volume pedal is being placed in front of the Amp. If you want just a regular volume change while preserving the gain characteristics of the rig you should move the pedal to after the amp in the Rig Menu.

    The reason it is doing the low gain/volume when changing rigs is probably because the pedal was not left in toe position before changing rig. If it can’t get back to full volume even after moving the pedal it sounds like there may be a bug so you should contact support.