MIDI Channel Select

  • Hi everyone, I’m sure this has been covered, but silly me can’t seem to find any information on changing my Player’s MIDI Channel from Omni to a dedicated channel.

    Manual says System Settings, but I can’t see anything in there relating to MIDI.

    I would be most grateful for any advice.


  • .This is a feature that is not yet implemented but will presumably be part of an upcoming update. Right now, the Player receives every channel so you can send on any channel you wish.

    Thanks very much for replying to my post.

    That’s a bit of a bummer, as it means the Player will probably respond to other PC and CC’s coming from my laptop to other midi devices.

    Hopefully that will be updated in an update.


  • Well, That’s my Player dead in the water for live performance, as midi information coming from my laptop to my TC Helicon is being picked up by my Player. Seems incredible that there is some midi implementation, but not the option to select a single midi channel. 😕

  • Well, That’s my Player dead in the water for live performance, as midi information coming from my laptop to my TC Helicon is being picked up by my Player. Seems incredible that there is some midi implementation, but not the option to select a single midi channel. 😕

    I looks as though Kemper had to rush the release to get it out before NAMM or something and as such had to sacrifice a few features in the initial release. I am pretty sure I saw someone from the company say that the next release will update the midi functionality to allow chanel selection. I don’t know when that will be but got the impression it won’t be long.

  • Omni only is not good. The idea was to make it a pedal platform and in my case I have MIDI pedals and this kills the deal for me. I bought the player thinking it would be MIDI channel selectable. Hopefully it will be in a release soon. As of now it's unusable for me in a live situation without 2 MIDI controls and extra tap dancing. If it's not fixed in the next few months I might have to sell. Major bummer.