• Guys, I'm looking for some advice about cabinets. I'm pretty new to IR's and cabs & those sorts of things.

    I've had an unpowered Toaster for about 2.5 years now, but I struggle and go back & forth with different cabinets. Some are too bright, others too dark, some too muddy, others too mid-scooped.

    I'm a Metal/Hard Rock guy, who uses anything from Plexi's, to Friedmans, JCM800's, Suhr PT100, etc. The tone needs to be thick, saturated, not fatiguing to the ears & defined. I play exclusively through in-ears via the Kemper's headphone out.

    Here is my favorite rhythm guitar sound ever as a reference -

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    The riff @ 0:29 is where you can really hear what I mean.

    I'm getting closer, but was hoping for some advice about free ones on the RE to get things rolling. Many thanks to you all...this Forum rules. 🙏

  • One of the best Marshall IRs I have heard is on the Kemper from the factory (Rig Manager?). Locate the Lars Leuttge pack. Its probably a Marshall amp because the cab is labelled 1960AV or something. If you look at this IR in some software, it looks like it was man made because everything is perfect as far as phase etc.

    But IRs are a chase-your-tail kind of thing. They always sound like "it could be a little better".

    Good luck!