New prototype headshell!

  • Not new on here but I have a new headshell that I wanted to show off and I wasn't sure where to post. I was always jealous of the rack guys that could have a back panel to spare connections on the Kemper unit (specifically the ethernet) If those fragile needle terminals went down before a show from constant unplugging, I'd be screwed big time.

    Rack units are bigger, don't sit on my desk well and I already had a toaster. I've been using a "dongle" extension to save the plug but it sticks out a bit and leaving it in in a case left it a liability and removing it made no sense because I might as well just used the cable then.

    I contacted the guy who makes cases for BA and made this case that I had sketch drawings of and he came up with final solutions. The top aluminum angle holds the female ethernet jack and top backstop. You can replace the cord for about $5.00 which is hundreds cheaper than getting the jack repaired. I'll keep a spare. the bottom is the stop for a velcro/magnet rear cover which goes inside to keep footprint small.

    The pictures look a bit out of scale because of the angle, but his craftsmanship was fantastic. All the matching fits installing the Kemper were perfect, easy and secure. Snap on front cover is grooved brilliantly conforming to keep it in place firmly with a lightweight clasp. The original handle even goes on. I received all necessary hardware and had it installed in minutes. The depth of his hardware for the feet was within .009" so it was perfect, not poking in too far or not enough. It really exceeded my expectations for a prototype.