KPA firmware no longer updates, back to repair - 5 weeks without a loaner?

  • I don't think there's much that can be done at this point, having talked this one over with Kemper Support 'n all but I thought I'd document it for discussion.

    A while back I noticed that I couldn't update my Kemper with new firmware, something that I wrote off at the time as being possibly due to bad builds/uploads on the server end. I'd load a KAOS.BIN on my stick, let it update, and watch it terminate with an "Update Has Failed" error. Support was very helpful, suggesting several magic dance moves such as - 1) Booting off the USB stick itself without burning new firmware (a temporary solution, but works), 2) Burning directly from USB at boot time (failed - "Error Writing To Nand Memory") 3) Initializing and/or formatting the internal flash and hoping the problem goes away (no luck.)

    I know we've all heard about flash memory failures resulting from too many writes, but this is a bit much - I've probably upgraded/downgraded my firmware maybe 25 times or so since I've had my unit. According to Sweetwater, there are no repair facilities in the US which means mailing the amp back to Germany and waiting 4-5 weeks. 5 weeks without an amp in the studio? I don't see how anyone could put up with that - you'd think that Kemper could contract with a tech in each of its major markets for repair issues. Since I have a session coming up next week, this repair is going to have to wait for a bit.

    What say you, Kemper Amps? Is there no better option for handling amp repairs in the U.S.?


  • i suppose it would be good if the dealers kept spare units they could lend out in cases like this,it would also be good if Kemper set up an American division of the company to handle stuff over the meantime i think if you are depending on your gear for work then you need to have backup just as you would with any other amps etc.but sorry you"ve had these problems and hope you dont have to wait too long for repair.

  • Have you contacted Sweetwater? My led's started going out. I sent mine in for repair or replacement on a Friday and had a brand new one by the following Friday. They called me on Wednesday to inform me they were just going to send me a new one because they couldnt do the repair needed (their words, not mine). I had a new one 2 days later. Might be worth calling them. They have excellent customer service. Im not saying youll have a new one in 7 days, that was just my experience. Might have been luck, I dunno. But try calling them. I thought I was going be without mine for 5 weeks. I even went and bought a Zoom G5 as a fill in til I got my Kemper back. Lol it came 2 days before I got the new Kemper.

  • Sounds like you were very lucky there, Jeff5x0. I'm just passing along what Sweetwater told me after several back-and-forths. I've known Karl Long for years so if there was a way to do a quick swap or loaner he would have moved mountains, I'm sure. I suggested purchasing another KPA and returning it for credit once the repair was done, but while Karl couldn't rule out the possibility of this completely he didn't sound hopeful. Could be that Sweetwater has since learned how long this takes the hard way, and they're not being optimistic in what they tell their customers anymore.


  • Sorry to hear that brother. They did tell me the turn around was about 4-5 weeks when I first got the RA#. But they called me when they received it to let me know it came in, and then called me a few days later to tell me they were sending a new one out. I guess I was extremely lucky. I sincerely hope it works out for you in a good way. Keep us updated if you dont mind.

  • I would think by now Kemper would have trained at least a tech at Sweetwater, or maybe have a repair station somewhere in the USA for all Kpa repairs, and just send them a bunch of extra parts for whenever there is a hardware problem to have it replaced quickly, how hard can it be to replace a board in a KPA? isn't it just pretty much a computer? Having to send a unit back to Germany and waiting all that time is crazy in my opinion.

  • I know we've all heard about flash memory failures resulting from too many writes, but this is a bit much -

    The FLASH can be definitely updated more than that (I've updated several hundred times here). What you can do is to update it more than once. The firmware flash has several partitions and the update process will try them one after another. Before you do that, turn off the unit by leaving it on and pulling the power cord. Then wait 1 minute. After that, connect the stick, press and hold the PAGE buttons and turn the unit on.

  • CK,

    Karl from Sweetwater left a message on my answering machine saying he just found out about some repair facility with a two week turnaround, and is looking into it. I hope to know more tomorrow, and will report back.

    No luck with Timo's method (already tried - see msgs # 1 and #8 ), but at least I can temporarily run the latest firmware for now - it just won't survive power off. If this actually is a flash problem and the memory is easily replaceable (i.e., no surface mount desoldering) I'd be open to fixing this myself given proper instructions.


  • My Sweetwater rep still seems to be spinning around waiting for answers, but Kemper came through with a repair center in Texas whose turnaround time is two weeks. Plus, prepaid shipping both ways (Sweetwater told me just one way.)

    That's much better, thanks to one and all - US owners can sleep a bit better now.


  • I live about 30 minutes from the authorized repair center here in Texas. I have done business with them in the past.
    The serviced an amp of mine. They did a great job. No complaints. You should be in good hands with them.

  • My Sweetwater rep still seems to be spinning around waiting for answers, but Kemper came through with a repair center in Texas whose turnaround time is two weeks. Plus, prepaid shipping both ways (Sweetwater told me just one way.)

    That's much better, thanks to one and all - US owners can sleep a bit better now.


    Have to say that: We did't just "come around".
    Sweetwater is dealing with this repair center since month. There was no need to pass them a phone number or whatever.
    Since you have my email address, please tell me what the exact state is, I will pass it to our US distributor to see if we can accellerate things.


  • Kemper KPA is back from repair! Annnnd, it updates now <phew.> Audio Electronics in Texas received the unit last Monday, turned it around the same day and I just got it back (Fri).

    According to Kemper tech support, the repair involved a new CPU board and power supply. Its CPU ID remains unchanged, but the KPA-Serial displayed under "Device Information" now says "No serial".

    Great to be back in business!!


  • I haven't had any problems with my Kemper Profiling Amp. I love it. But I have noticed that since I had about 1500 rigs on it that it requires a pause after selecting a different rig. But this is just the first rig switch. After I have selected a new rig, then any subsequent selections are fast. I just put all the rigs I could find on it & am slowly deleting as I find ones that I don't need.