Please Help! Cannot get reamping to work in Reaper.

  • I have spent a week reading through various similar threads on here as well as other forums and can't seem to get things working.

    I have been trying to reamp using Reaper and my Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, using the direct output and return input on my Kemper.

    My current set up is:

    Guitar into front input on Kemper.

    Left and Right Main Output on Kemper into Inputs 1 and 2 on the 18i20 interface.

    Direct Output Send on Kemper into Input 3 on interface.

    Return Input on Kemper to Input 4 on interface.

    Output Source on Kemper is set to Master Stereo for Main Output.

    Direct Output on Kemper is set to DI Analog.

    In Reaper I have my normal tracks for recording directly set to input 1.

    I have a DI track set to input 3 and am able to record a processed signal on one track and the DI track on the other with no issue.

    I have another track set up for the Reamped guitar, with a send from the DI track to the reamp track, and when I playback the DI track, Reaper shows the meters on both tracks working.

    Then on the Kemper, I set the input source to RETURN INPUT REAMP, but when I hit play in Reaper all I hear is the DI track, its not playing through the Profiler at all.

    What's also weird is that the options on the Kemper Output Source do not show a lot of the options I see others talking about in similar threads such as GIT+Processing, GIT Studio etc.


    This is the point that I'm stuck at, I don't know if the issue is that I have the tracks set up incorrectly in Reaper, or if I have the wrong settings in the Kemper, or a combination of the two.

    I have never tried ramping before (which may be obvious lol) so if anyone would be so kind as to help me out here, I would GREATLY appreciate it!!

  • Return Input on Kemper to Input 4 on interface.

    input to input does not compute for me but I know nothing about your equipment. How is the signal from the DAW track (3?) routed back to the interface to get back to the kemper? What outputs does your interface have? In any case, a Return Input needs a signal from an output not another input.

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • Here you go...

    July 31, 2021 at 12:03 AM

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • input to input does not compute for me but I know nothing about your equipment. How is the signal from the DAW track (3?) routed back to the interface to get back to the kemper? What outputs does your interface have? In any case, a Return Input needs a signal from an output not another input.

    Sorry that was a typo, I meant to say Return Input on the Kemper to Output 4 on the interface.

  • Here you go...

    July 31, 2021 at 12:03 AM

    Thank you, your thread is one of the ones I've looked at previously. How come you need 6 tracks in reaper to do this? Prior to looking into reamping, when I tracked guitars I would always record 2 separate takes and then pan them left and right. So in my mind, I'm thinking I should only need 1 track for the DI, 1 track for the processed signal while recording the take, and then 1 track for the reamped version. Is it possible to do it this way or does it have to be split left and right the way your example shows?

    The pictures in your thread show the Direct Output set to GIT ANALOG, for some reason I don't have that option.


    Also, when I go to the devices section of the preferences page in Reaper, I don't see any of the options shown in your example.

    Edited once, last by jvmes13 (September 11, 2023 at 5:30 PM).

  • I split the tracks into separate Left and Right for stereo reamping and more control. If you just want mono reamping, or you want to use 1 stereo track that has Left and Right combined inputs then you can omit 2 of them. However, tracks are free so why not use them.

    For Git Analog, use DI Analog. I guess Kemper changed that when they introduced their USB interface. See Page 123 of the latest OS 10 manual.

    As long as you have Input options to route to a new track then the Preferences may not matter. See if you have inputs when you "right click" on the track's Db meter in reaper. If not, then your routing in the Scarlet is not correct, or you may have to check that legacy option box in Preferences to "Allow use of different inputs... "

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I split the tracks into separate Left and Right for stereo reamping and more control. If you just want mono reamping, or you want to use 1 stereo track that has Left and Right combined inputs then you can omit 2 of them. However, tracks are free so why not use them.

    For Git Analog, use DI Analog. I guess Kemper changed that when they introduced their USB interface. See Page 123 of the latest OS 10 manual.

    As long as you have Input options to route to a new track then the Preferences may not matter. See if you have inputs when you "right click" on the track's Db meter in reaper. If not, then your routing in the Scarlet is not correct, or you may have to check that legacy option box in Preferences to "Allow use of different inputs... "

    Ok yes I see that the output options have changed in the newest version of the manual. So it looks like that's fine.

    When I right click the tracks Db meter in reaper, the attached pic is the menu I get.

    Based on some other videos I saw of people using similar setups, I should just need to create a send from the track that as the DI to the track set for the reamped version. Once the input on the Kemper is changed to Return Input Reamp, I should be able to play the DI track and hear the processed version playing through the Kemper. Is that correct or is the a step missing in Reaper? At this point, I think my issue must be related to how the tracks are set up in Reaper. Could the settings in Focusrite Control have anything to do with it maybe?

  • On that input window you should have "Input: Mono > In 1 (or In 2)" So moving the mouse to the arrow will show all available inputs.

    The most critical part is to create the ReaInsert track to send the DI back into the Kemper and then into the Reamp tracks. Then it's just a matter of following Step #2 in my tutorial.

    Once everything is working, you can save the project as a template so you can insert those tracks to keep from having to do it every time you create a new mix. I would also save the project itself and name it "Reamp.rpp" or something similar.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • On that input window you should have "Input: Mono > In 1 (or In 2)" So moving the mouse to the arrow will show all available inputs.

    The most critical part is to create the ReaInsert track to send the DI back into the Kemper and then into the Reamp tracks. Then it's just a matter of following Step #2 in my tutorial.

    Once everything is working, you can save the project as a template so you can insert those tracks to keep from having to do it every time you create a new mix. I would also save the project itself and name it "Reamp.rpp" or something similar.

    Ok I'm making progress.. I can now hear the Kemper profile when I playback the DI track. However, the Reamp track shows nothing happening when it's playing. I see the meter working on the Send vol side of the ReaInsert but nothing on the Return vol side. If I hit record, nothing records on the Reamp track.

    It also sounds like the DI is playing at the same time as the profile processed sound.

    The attached pictures are of the Input menu from my last post, ReaInsert plug in, the ReInsert track routing, the DI track routing, and the Reamp track routing.

    I'm sure one of those is incorrect and is the reason the reamp track is not playing/recording anything.

  • One thing I noticed was wrong when I went back and compared to the photos in your thread was that I had hardware return in the ReaInsert plugin set to Input 3, I changed it to Input 4 like your example. Now I am able to hear the reamp sound and record it on the reamp track with the fader on the DI track pulled down.

    I feel like I'm 90% there, the only issue I still have is that when I change the input on the Kemper to RETURN INPUT REAMP and hit play, I hear the DI guitar AND the reamped/processed guitar on the same track (DI TRACK). Should the DI track only be playing the DI guitar while the REAMP track only plays the reamped/processed guitar?

    Last thing, even when the input source on the Kemper is set to RETURN INPUT REAMP (I should not able able to hear my guitar on this input), if I play the guitar I still am hearing a delayed clean/DI sound.

  • Note in my pic of the reamp process "Record reamped DI.jpg", I have the original guitar tracks muted during reamping. You should not hear any DI signal during the first recording or during the reamp recording.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Note in my pic of the reamp process "Record reamped DI.jpg", I have the original guitar tracks muted during reamping. You should not hear any DI signal during the first recording or during the reamp recording.

    When I start playing, and record is enabled on the DI TRACK, I'm hearing the DI guitar and the processed guitar on the SAME track (DI TRACK). I'm not sure why.

    After recording the DI track, I change the input source to return input reamp, and when I play it I hear the DI track and the reamped guitar playing at the same time on the same track (DI TRACK).

    If I mute the DI Track and the Insert track when recording on the Reamp track, nothing happens. However, it does record on the Reamp track with the DI track unmuted but the fader pulled all the way down.

    Can you please take a look at my photos in POST #9 to make sure it's not because of the way one of those tracks is currently set up.

  • When I start playing, and record is enabled on the DI TRACK, I'm hearing the DI guitar and the processed guitar on the SAME track (DI TRACK). I'm not sure why.

    After recording the DI track, I change the input source to return input reamp, and when I play it I hear the DI track and the reamped guitar playing at the same time on the same track (DI TRACK).

    If I mute the DI Track and the Insert track when recording on the Reamp track, nothing happens. However, it does record on the Reamp track with the DI track unmuted but the fader pulled all the way down.

    Can you please take a look at my photos in POST #9 to make sure it's not because of the way one of those tracks is currently set up.

    Don't record (Arm) the Di track at all during reamping. The Di track should have only one "send" and that goes to ReaInsert track. If that is correct then all should work. It's kind of hard for me to check your routings. If all else fails, start completely over and one step at a time.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Don't record (Arm) the Di track at all during reamping. The Di track should have only one "send" and that goes to ReaInsert track. If that is correct then all should work. It's kind of hard for me to check your routings. If all else fails, start completely over and one step at a time.

    When I start playing, and record is enabled on the DI TRACK, I'm hearing the DI guitar and the processed guitar on the SAME track (DI TRACK). I'm not sure why.

    What I mean by this is during recording the DI Track along with the original processed track BEFORE switch to record the Reamped sound.

    I will try starting over from scratch and see if anything changes.

  • Don't record (Arm) the Di track at all during reamping. The Di track should have only one "send" and that goes to ReaInsert track. If that is correct then all should work. It's kind of hard for me to check your routings. If all else fails, start completely over and one step at a time.

    I created a blank project in Reaper, followed the steps from your example exactly. 2 things have come up..

    1 - When recording the Reamped guitar, I only get a recording if the DI TRACK is UNMUTED and the fader is pulled all the way down. If I mute the DI TRACK and/or the REINSERT TRACK, I get no recording.

    2 - The REAMPED track records slightly ahead of the DI TRACK, so when I play them back to compare the reamped track to the original processed track they sound delayed/ping ponged. SEE PIC

    Edited once, last by jvmes13 (September 13, 2023 at 3:17 AM).

  • No 1 is correct. You don't mute DI.

    No. 2 is you might have to set up some latency compensation in Reaper. I have low latency so I've never had to do this. Mine is 1/2 of 1 sample.

    REAPER has an option in Preferences > Audio > Recording to manually modify the Input and Output latency. It can be modified in milliseconds, samples or both. To test this, you can do a loopback by connecting one of your interface outputs to an input.

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    You can also google "How to fix latency in Reaper" to get other vid tutorials.

    But you almost there!

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Ok so, I've watched a bunch of YouTube videos/read forum threads, but it seems they all cover input/output latency issues that are different from my issue with reamping. Also, my issue is that the reamp track records earlier than the DI track rather than later as shown in their examples.

    I don't have any latency issues at all, aside from when I recently tried to set up reamping.

    Just to give as much info as possible, my set up is:

    -2023 Mac mini w/ M2 Pro Chip and Ventura OS

    -The latest version of Reaper for Mac OS 10.15+ (48k sample rate, 512 block size)

    -Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 2nd Gen Interface (updated to latest firmware)

    -Kemper Rack Profiler (updated to the latest software)

  • I just tested a reamp project and I am leading my original track by 175 milliseconds. I wonder if the OS 9 update with the internal USB reamping has made any changes to internal routings??

    Let me know how many ms you are leading by. (Nudge the reamp track to the right in increments of 25ms or so. Right click on track and select Nudge/Set items).

    I need to look into this.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.