Profiles specific for Pedal Steel Guitar

  • I went through hundreds of profiles on my new Kemper and found only a few profiles suitable for my pedal steel guitar.

    I know about the DB-PSG profiles that can be found and two dobro profiles.

    I only want to buy a profile (pack) when I am sure it will work / sound well for pedal steel guitar.

    I do not want to spend a lot a money and get stuck with hundreds of profiles that may be very suitable for guitar but a not great for pedal steel guitar.

    Can everybody in this community who plays pedal steel guitar and bought profiles or profile packs that sound great tell me what profiles they use and where they got them or bought them.

    This would save me and a lot of other pedal steel guitar players a lot of time browsing through hundreds and thousends of profiles and get us fast up to speed using the Kemper.

    ThanX in advanced.

  • Hey there, fellow PSG player here. The BD-PSG profiles are mine, and just a caveat, those were my pretty early attempts at profiling. YMMV.

    Contact Michael Britt and ask if he has any pedal steel profiles - he usually sends out a free pack.

    M. Britt Profile – Kemper and IR Profiles

    My main advice would be to choose your cab first, lock that, and then audition different amps through that cab. The cab is always important to the sound, but super super important to PSG since we're looking for a different frequency response than most guitarists or bassists.

    Eminence sells IR packs for the Paul Franklin and Travis Toy signature drivers... that may be a place to start.

    Eminence Signature Guitar Series Impulse Responses
    For years, Eminence has teamed up with veteran guitarists to create guitar speakers as versatile as the artists themselves. Now, impulse responses of these…

    Dr. Z sells a pack with the Surgical Steel amp, which some players really like.

    What about your own amp or amps? What were you using before the Kemper? Try your hand at profiling!

    Don't get too discouraged - the Kemper is really aimed at guitar, not steel, so we are adapting it to our needs. Find a few amps & cabs you like & live with them for a while, then re-evaluate. My profile tastes definitely changed and evolved over time so...happy hunting!

    Edited once, last by Bryan Daste (August 19, 2023 at 6:00 AM).

  • Kemper Pedal Steel Amps : The Steel Guitar Forum


    Mesa Studio Pre/ Carvin TS-100 Pwr. Amp/ Little Walter loaded w. PF-350

    Mesa Studio Pre/ Carvin TS-100 Pwr. Amp/ Little Walter loaded w. PF-400

    Fender Blackface Twin Reissue/ Little Walter loaded w. PF-400

    Fender Blackface Twin Reissue/ Little Walter loaded w. PF-350

    Carvin Legacy 3 / Little Walter loaded w. PF-350

    Carvin Legact 3 / Little Walter loaded w. PF-400

    Mesa Boogie Simul Satellite Combo/ Little Walter loaded w. PF-400

    Mesa Boogie Simul Satellite Combo/ Little Walter loaded w. PF-350

    Peavey Vegas 400 loaded w. 15 B.W.

    Peavey Session 500 loaded w. 15 B.W.

    Peavey Session 500 loaded w. 15 B.W. in String Mode ( Dirty Slide )

    Webb 6-14 GP loaded w. 15 JBL E-130

    Webb 6-14 GP/ Little Walter loaded w. PF-400

    Webb 6-14 GP / Little Walter loaded w.PF-350

    Evans FET 500 Combo loaded with 15 Eminence EPS-15C Neodyne

    Evans FET 500 / Little Walter loaded w. PF-350

    Evans FET 500/ Little Walter loaded w. PF-400

    Randall Steelman 500 Combo loaded w. B.W. 15

    Randall Steelman 500/ Little Walter loaded w. PF-350

    Profiles were created by Scott Neubert & Mike Holder..2019


    Fender Dual Showman / Loaded w. PF-400

    Little Walter 89 Franklin/ Loaded w. PF-350

    Little Walter 89 Franklin / Loadede w. PF-400

    Webb 6-14E / Loaded w. Black Widow 1501

    Profiles were created by Scott Neubert & Mike Holder 2020

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • Thanks Bryan - I’m making progress -! Slow but sure

    One q that would really help if how are you managing your volume pedal

    Are u using a conventional one in front of the kemper input

    Or an expression Pedal (if so pre or post stack)

    I have a lehle i can try from my guitar rig so that seems an obvious choice but also might splash for a Hilton if I ever get good enough to play it properly !