Converting Old Profiles To Liquid - Im Very Confused

  • I am not an advanced Kemper user at all. I love the idea of setting the tone stack on some of my previously created profiles to be "liquid" but using the manual addendum I am missing something in the process and I dont understand the procedure.

    Where it says "Retrofitting To A Liquid Profile" I do not see the options it says should pop up when I go into the "Amp Settings". Its probably something I am doing / not understanding properly. I would assume you call up the Profile you want to convert and then press and hold the "Amp" button on the front of the profiler? Am I incorrect in assuming this? If that is what you are supposed to do I don't see any "Restore" buttons.

    Is there any way someone can help walk me though this step by step. I am really confused.

    Sorry for being a noob at this.

    Im on OS Version 9.08.4666641 if that matters??

    Find all of my Kemper Rigs, Line 6 Presets, and IR's at my website

  • Burkhard August 16, 2023 at 1:11 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Coverting Old Profiles To Liquid - Im Very Confused” to “Converting Old Profiles To Liquid - Im Very Confused”.