Amp controls pre or post when retro fitting liquid profiling?

  • Didn't see a definitive answer in the updated manual or any of the videos to date. I've been changing to pre as I believe that is where the controls sit in most amps i.e. before the power amp.

    Am I doing this right? (Not looking for the usual Yoda "if it sounds right it is right" nonsense).

  • it depends by your refernce amp, if it has the EQ section Pre distorsion stage or Post distorsion stage.

    So check schematics of your reference amp and then set the kemper eq in the same position (or Not , if you prefer)

    I guess it was explained in the manual since ever.. it's not a New update.

  • Looks like I am setting it wrong ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    "An additional setting can be found on the last page of the amplifier module: A soft button allows you to set the

    position of the equalizer to either “Post” (after) or “Pre” (before) the amp module. The EQ has a different impact on
    the sound of a distorting amp, depending on its position. In tube amps, it is positioned between the preamp and the
    power amp. Most modern guitar amps with a master volume control perform the distortion in the preamp; thus, the
    equalizer is positioned after the distorting circuit.
    Classic amps without master volume control (such as Vox® AC-30),
    produce the distortion in their power amp. In this case, the equalizer is positioned before the distorting circuit.
    However, setting the position according to the original amp is not mandatory, since the authentic sound of the
    reference amp has already been captured, and therefore includes the original equalizer setting. Users of classical
    PROFILER models can use the EQ button as a shortcut to the EQ settings in the amplifier module"