Kabinet / Kone settings question ( IR / FRFR / Monitor Cab off / Kone )

  • Hi everyone,

    One finds it plain simple, but someone else gets drowned in confusion.

    Explanation needed.

    I'm using Kabinet (external poweramp powered).

    Monitor output (cab off) used.

    If Kone button is activated, plain simple, using imprints as desired, globally plus for each profile as desired.

    If Kone button is deactivated, monitor output (cab off) used, what is default imprint / IR used if profile's cabinet is not turned off (in rig manager's chain section, output section's cab setting is already turned off, as mentioned)?

    Some time ago managed to import some IRs in manager that I now activate in this setting and get pretty decent sound.

    And this is the question, what is going on if via Monitor output (cab off mode), Kone turned off mode third party IR is being used?

    Thanks in advance! :thumbup:

  • 1. I believe I'm following this scenario, but correct me if I'm not.

    Your speaking of settings in the Output Menu for Monitor Output here.

    A. With the Kemper Kone Enabled your Monitor Output is in Full Range mode, the cabinet in the rig is what you will hear from your Kabinet.

    B. With the Kemper Kone Enabled and Cabinet Off Enabled your Monitor Output is in Imprint mode, the Global Imprint selected is what you will hear from your Kabinet.

    C. Once Kemper Kone is Enabled and Cabinet Off is Enabled press the Cabinet Soft Button, on page 2 of the Cabinet Menu you can choose which Imprint to use on a per rig basis, or Full Range mode if preferred. You will hear the selected Imprint or Full Range mode which will be the burnt in cabinet or IR saved to that particular rig from your Kabinet.

    Back to 1. If Kemper Kone is disabled and Cabinet Off enabled simultaneously there will be no cabinet, imprint or IR in the Monitor Output signal chain, it will be very apparent. This scenario is only recommended if you are using a standard guitar speaker cabinet.

    I think C above may be the mode of operation you are looking for, it gives the most options on a per rig basis. Hope this helps.

  • Thank you HowardBrown.

    I took some investigation and found similar thread some time before, but this is what forum is for.

    A. B. C. options are correct, but I miss this option also:

    I have found out that it should go as follows:

    D. If Kone is disabled in menu, Monitor output with cab off used, Kone runs in FRFR mode with studio mode speaker imprint.

  • No, it means you use a traditional cab with a standard speaker....You won't have any Cab simulation, this block will be by-passed....


    Because in this mode Kone runs normally, I would say same sound like in Kone engaged / FRFR mode.

    Even changing IR's in Cabinet section during this mode Kemper sounds more natural than when Kone is engaged.

    If I turn off cabinet in chain section, I get that fizzy no cab sound.

  • Have you got a Stage, a Head or a rack ?

    You should obtain that fizzy sound from monitor outputs in this configuration.

    On the Stage, there are 1/4" jack main outputs too, are you sure you don't use them instead of monitor outputs ?