USB output/ Rig volume

  • Is the rig volume the control for your signal to your DAW?
    Usually the rig volume is set to 0 db or higher. I had to go -12db to get the correct signal. So, would you have a rig volume for recording and a different rig volume for playing?

    Thanks for listening.

  • Leaving headroom in a recording only applies to an analog recording setup. Lowering a digital signal by 12 dB will reduce the resolution by two bits from 24 to 22 but will not prevent any clipping since you cannot clip a digital signal by definition.

    You can use the channel fader in your DAW afterward to set the desired level in the mix. The DAW usually works at a much higher bit resolution and uses floating point.

  • Thanks for the information, but I still seem to be missing something. I can turn down the fader all the way and still get a full signal. It' like I have no control of the channel. I must be missing something in the routing of the DAW. Thanks, I'll keep messing with it.

  • I suspect we are talking about monitoring the signal during recording? The DAW fader won't do anything unless you monitor through the DAW which you most likely shouldn't here.

    There must be a volume control in the Kemper to control direct monitoring volume, and I'm pretty sure rig volume isn't the right one :)

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