Layout "D" For Rig Names. Begging...

  • Please, Please make a "Layout D" For large rig names like you have for "Layout C" for performance names. My "Performances" are just named 1,2,3,4,5,6, etc... irrelevant. but My "Rig names" are songs. That is what I need in Really big font size like you use for "layout C" Please, Begging. It's so hard to see the smaller rig names"My songs" when I use "layout A" It's really the Only problem I have with the Kemper. Everything else I can get to sound fantastic.(thank you Kemper) It's so hard to see at a show, with lights moving everywhere. I have to really squint, or bend over, or simply have faith the #3 button is gonna be the right song=O.. I want to see my individual "rig names"(songs) Begging. please I'll pay ya! send me your Venmo Kemper guys....

  • +1 here from me.

    I have exactly the same issue. I use SongookPro for my setlist. It sends MIDI to the KPA to select the rig for the song but it would be VERY reassuring to be able to see rig name nice and big on the screen.


    Ps.....ability to turn on the tuner via RM would be good too......will also post this separately.

    Edited once, last by MolecularElk (July 5, 2023 at 7:24 PM).

  • They were able to do this for the "Layout C" Would it be that hard to do it for the individual Rigs in Performance mode? I need the rig name to be that big like in layout C but for rigs. At shows I just can't see the little letters.