adding a fx but no sound before storing

  • Thank you for your suggestions, Burkhard, :). My choice of copying and paste amps, fx etc. works fine sofar. I haven't noticed different sound results yet. Once I have found a good and very suitable fx like a delay or reverb it always fits in a new rig is my experience. And does it need some alteration, then it's not hard to make slight changes. But I've learned: always listen every time before you store anything with your profiler unit. This way you can make as much changes as you like but only store at the very end. Once you accidentally make a program change, it' s gone...

  • But the title of this thread is "adding a fx but no sound without storing"!? And I still don't understand the exact scenario how this is supposed to happen.

    For example:

    You have loaded Rig A, you hear a delay effect in module DLY, you copy this effect with the COPY button at the front panel.

    Then you load Rig B, focus its module DLY, and press the PASTE button at the front panel.

    Now the delay effect originated from Rig A is also in Rig B reflected by LEDs and display, but you don't hear it? Is this the scenario?

    And when you now press STORE followed by Replace at the front panel, that moment you then hear this delay effect? Is this, what happens?

    Since your title describes a fault situation, I would like to reproduce it. Therefor please provide information as concrete as possible how to reproduce that fault. If you can't, I have to conclude that such a fault doesn't exist and you opened this thread with a misleading title.

  • I can't remember how this happened, but it surely was the case. I can't reproduce this now. I know I didn't anything wrong so now it's a puzzle for me too. But I will keep watching it and write everything down when it happens again. And to be complete: I wouldn't have openend this topic if the situation hadn't occured....!

  • Even experienced user like you sometimes miss something.

    You never responded to my hints regarding DLY&REV Routing. Are you aware of it and what it does?

    Are you absolutely sure, the Effects Section in the destination Rig was not switched off when you pasted an effect into one of the modules X, MOD, DLY, REV?

  • About your hint 1:

    1. I already gave one hint, what can happen if you just load an effect type. A Mix of 0% could stay at 0%.

    I always check all parameters and the balance between them A mix of 0 is really out of the question! Using an fx and leave mix or volume at 0 is as driving a car withou fuel...right?

    2. Another aspect could be DLY&REV Routing in Rig Settings, which determines the sigbnal routing between DLY and REV modules, but is not part of the effect itself. So regardless if you load an effect type, an effect preset or copy/paste an effect, the signal routing has an impact and is independent.

    It varies. It depends on the rig I use and the song I want to play. Sometimes I have a DLY REV routing of 0 % and in another case a DLY REV routing of 100% and everything else in between. It's important to me what the result is, One time it's the DLY that significantly is being present (in soloing) the other time it's a more REV sound.


    For example:

    You have loaded Rig A, you hear a delay effect in module DLY, you copy this effect with the COPY button at the front panel.

    Then you load Rig B, focus its module DLY, and press the PASTE button at the front panel.

    Now the delay effect originated from Rig A is also in Rig B reflected by LEDs and display, but you don't hear it? Is this the scenario?

    This could have been the scenario, but I have tried many things to avoid loss of sound: restarting the profiler, deleting that fx and start all over again, storing that rig and delete it later etc. At a certain moment the problem was over (God knows why or how [incompetence?]) and I could listen again to what I was doing. l now think that I something in that chain of actions must have done wrong, because in the end it didn't show a malfunction anymore. But it has taken some time for me to get there,

    Now I can listen again to my actions before storing.

    My present scenario for wanting a good sounding DLY and/orREV is

    1. I have a new named rig with a DLY type. I don't like it much but I keep that DLY type open! (button lit)

    2. Between my (presently) 997 rigs (song named) I now search for that rig of which I know that it contains a much better sounding DLY (Searching in RM is no use (except for amps) because all those named rigs don't show DLY/REV or fx.

    3. Next I open that named rig and play it bit. YES, that's what I mean...! Next I press that DLY button and press COPY on the front.

    4. I go back to my new named rig en press the still lit DLY button. Next I hit the Paste button and there's my new better sounding DLY type. For safety reasons I play again with that new setting and I hear that it sounds indeed much better. And now (convinced) I hit the STORE button! In fact I know there are now 2 rigs with at least a great sounding DLY, regardless the amp type or all other fx.

    For me this is also the way of getting fast an allready in the past made, tried and tested other kind/type of fx

    Does this all answer your question?