Monitors vs Single Guitar Cab and Stereo Effects

  • Hello all,

    I have a question.

    I switched from using a pair of AltoTS110 monitors to a single 2x10 guitar cab, because to me, it sounds more “real” if that makes any sense.

    But now that I’m running a single guitar cab, I’m not sure how to set up my output and program the effects to get the sound I’m looking for.

    Here’s the tone I’m after, Ty Tabor’s lead sound at 1:33–

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    Is it possible to get that “thick” of a sound with just a single guitar cab?

    Using 2 cabinets (or monitors,) in stereo, Ty’s signal chain was as follows:

    Guitar>Flanger>L5 amp head>Midiverb 2 Chorus setting 62 (low rate and speed,)>512ms panned hard left, 64ms panned hard right>4x12 cab/4x12cab

    Do I simply choose “Master Left Mono” output to Main, and then choose “Dual Delay 512ms panned left/64ms panned right” ?

    What about the Flanger setting— He just ran the Manual at 1, and all other settings to 0.

    Can the Flanger, Chorus and Dual Delay all run in mono?

    I’d appreciate any advice, thanks!!