RM Profiling Assistant and tag editing

  • I finally profiled my first amp using Rig Manager. It gave me no options to edit the tags for the new profile, it just saves the new profile under the same name as whatever profile was loaded with a (2) added.

    What am I missing?

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • Burkhard

    page 349 of Kemper Main manual ((9.0)

    " Once you are happy with the result of the PROFILING, you can store the sound as a new Rig in your browse pool.

    We highly recommend that you save the PROFILE before you start modifying its parameters, so as to preserve the
    original settings. As soon as you press STORE you will be guided through three pages with tags. "

    Is this not possible when profiling from the Profiling Assistant in Rig Manager?

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • Thanks for your reply. I did change the tags after profiling but one tag wouldn't change, namely the Author tag under the Amp section. All the tags were carried over to the new profile from the rig that was loaded before profiling.

    The documentation is unclear on a few things, especially since Ver. 9. The manual says "As soon as you press STORE you will be guided through three pages with tags. " but that never happened in any of the 3 attempts to profile my Fender Machete. I really don't get why a rig has to be loaded before profiling either, that seems to be the source of my problem.

    I also looked at the Kemper Stage screen for an "edit tags" option (soft button) during the profiling process but never found one. I got a new Rack unit yesterday and it sits close to the desk so I am going to try profiling from that (without Rig Manager) for the next profile. I am thinking the profiling assistant in Rig Manager is still a work in progress.

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"