Repair Shops in the U.S.

  • I’ve been experiencing issues with my amp output for awhile now. After months of troubleshooting, re-reading the user manual countless times, updated firmware, reflashing profiles, I’m ready to send my Kemper in. However, are there any Kemper authorized repair shops in the U.S. or do I need to pay an arm and a leg to send it to Germany and have to pay VAT taxes for the repairs? I’ve been given info to a shop in Dallas, but they didn’t want to talk about any info regarding the amp to tell me if they’d be able to repair it. Has anyone had any good experiences with repair shops in the U.S.? Located in FL.

  • Have you contacted support? If so, they’ll give you the info you need for a US based repair shop. If not - do that first.

    No repair shop (electronic, computer, auto etc) worth a crap is going to tell you much of anything until they get it on they bench or in the bay. They’d be guessing. It’s bad for business.

    If it’s an authorized Kemper repair facility recommend by Kemper, you’re good. If not… to Kemper and get a recommendation.