Kemper performance frozen mid show (Is it Midi related?)

  • Hey all , during a show yesterday I had a kemper freeze at a patch change which was quite frustrating as it was playing an electric patch on an acoustic song. I ended up having to reboot. **When I initially tried to turn it off it would not do so

    The Kemper is receiving patch changes Via Midi From Ableton out the through of another players Kemper.

    Signal chain is:

    (Playback Midi out> Kemper 1> through> Kemper 2 (the one that froze).

    Any insight as to what could cause this?

  • Make sure you are not sending too many messages irrelevant for the PROFILER e.g. MIDI Notes and others.

    Also make sure, that Abletong sin't sending dumps of MIDI messages, if you somebody is scolling through the project.

    How have you set up Slot changes in Performance Mode? Via bank select and program change or via control changes #47-54?

    I suggest bank select LSB and program change which avoids any logical conflicts with Morphing.

  • Hey Clibbus,

    I am dealing with the same problem. Already happened 4 times in a live show since I am working with MIDI commands from Ableton Live.

    Burkhard I use the bank select LSB method.

    Following this topic.

  • Burkhard I Am using the bank LSB Method
    And as far as I can tell our playback person is only starting each track and it is just one PC Change per a song ( Maybe 3 or 4 if it is switching a bank, but that is only in one or two songs)

    It did not happen at last nights show but I would like to figure out what caused it three nights ago as it was the only time I have experienced it on this run.

    A couple notes that I thought it might be leading up to the failure:

    - The first unity is OS 8.7 (This one did not fail) the midi through of this unit is sending to the unit that did fail which is running 8.6.6.
    They are on separate midi channels though

    - I did notice that the venue cut power before i powered them down properly and when i powered them up at the show where the failure occured they were already in the on position.

    - I had a cable in each of the rear usb ports, not plugged into anything external, but just there in case i need to connect for any quick edits

    ** I have since removed the connected usb cables, and made sure to practice proper start up and shut down procedure for the shows moving forward)

    Being that it was the only time i have experienced this I am wondering if it was more related to a power or hardware malfunction rather than a software issue.
    Support said to update to the 9.0.5 OS but given that we only have pretty big show/ festival days left on this tour I am hesitant to do any updates day of, especially if it has only occurred this one time.