USB Audio Playalong ?

  • Hallo zusammen,
    habe die aktuellste Beta vom RigManager und OS installiert.

    In der Anleitung steht:
    Wählen Sie auf der Seite USB Audio in der Output-Sektion Amp Recording  << finde ich echt nicht, gibt nur Reamping ?

    und wählen sie „Profiler“ als Ausgabegerät in den Audio-Einstellungen Ihres PCs. << Mac kein Problem

    Jetzt können Sie bei Ihrem Streamingdienst Musik abspielen, diese an den Lautsprechen am PROFILER abhören
    und dazu gleichzeitig dazu Gitarre spielen.

    haber den Head , gibt es das vllt. nur beim Stage ?

  • By default, the USB audio feature is set to "Amp Recording" mode so you shouldn't have to change anything in the USB audio menu on the profiler. If you set your audio output on your computer to the "Profiler" and then play a YouTube video or some other source, the sound will play back through the profiler and out to your monitoring solution you use to hear your guitar.

  • Die Anleitung bezieht sich auf die Profiler Hardware. Im Rig Manager ist Amp Recording aktiviert solange Reamping nicht aktiviert ist.

  • Hallo,
    vielen Dank für die schelle Information.
    Habe es gefunden.
    Ich habe im RigManager auf Reamp geschaltet, dadurch wurde der externe Quellensound natürlich durch die Signalkette gedudelt.

    Jetzt passt alles, habe den Head nur über SPDIF am Interface angeschlossen.
    Der Playback Sound geht aber anscheinend nicht über den SPDIF , sondern nur über den Mainoutput ?

  • Hi! Have you found a solution for this? I can confirm that Kemper Stage connected via USB to iMac and Kemper SPDIF Out to my Genelec studio monitors produce no sound, can't play with backing track from iMac. However, if I connect Main Out instead of SPDIF Out everything works as expected. Just tested with Fractal FM9 and have no issues with only digital connection.

  • Hi! Have you found a solution for this? I can confirm that Kemper Stage connected via USB to iMac and Kemper SPDIF Out to my Genelec studio monitors produce no sound, can't play with backing track from iMac. However, if I connect Main Out instead of SPDIF Out everything works as expected. Just tested with Fractal FM9 and have no issues with only digital connection.

    I have the same problem on Windows 11.

    When I use monitors connected directly via Kemper's SPDIF, I only hear the guitar, but no sounds or music from Windows.

    Kemper Rack connects via USB to the computer.

    However, any Windows audio works great when monitors are connected to the analog main outputs.

    Maybe problem is because I use only SPDIF out on the Kemper?

  • I have the same problem on Windows 11.

    When I use monitors connected directly via Kemper's SPDIF, I only hear the guitar, but no sounds or music from Windows.

    Kemper Rack connects via USB to the computer.

    However, any Windows audio works great when monitors are connected to the analog main outputs.

    Maybe problem is because I use only SPDIF out on the Kemper?

    Problem definitely in Kemper when using only digital connections. I'm going to use Kemper's AUX to play backing tracks or YouTube from iPhone (Kemper will be connected via USB to iMac for RE access and Kemper's SPDIF Out to my Genelec). Haven't had more time to dig into

    What else worked with SPDIF Audiointerface (Apollo x6 in my case) correctly:

    Kemper SPDIF Out -> Apollo x6 SPDIF In, Apollo x6 SPDIF Out -> Genelec 8330, Kemper USB -> iMac

    But this solution needs to run additional audiointerface that I'm not very happy with

  • The developer of Kemper software is working on a native USB audio driver and the LOOPBACK option will be included there I believe.

    We must be patient until then.

    I'm using MacOS :) MacOS doesn't need/require any audio drivers, so it won't fix the issue. Initially Kemper came without USB audio support in mind so I hope it's not hardware limitation