Powered Kemper live w/no PA - Kemper Cab or reg cab?

  • Hi all, I have played live with powered Kemper & Kemper Cab for stage volume (KPA to FOH). However, this weekend I have to do a solo, no PA, no band, large open area. Concerned the Kemper Cab won’t push enough air, and wondering if I should use a traditional cab.

    Anyone have any experience or thoughts? Thanks in advance.


  • I've not played off the backline only for a number of years but my view is that the Kabinet is loud enough.

    I find its "spread " is as good as a 4x12 as they are very directional. So yeah I'd be as comfortable playing off my backline with a KPA and Kabinet as I would be with a 4x12....

    Best thing to do is crack it up at rehearsal to give yourself confidence- I got mine to "ear bleeding" and it still had more...