Rig manager strange behavior.

  • Rig manager has always been a bit janky for me. I always get the job done but I really have to be careful and notice when it's not doing what I want or I can do damage. ( I often use multiple windows and I think it can't handle it sometimes) I'm not complaining, it's a great tool that I am grateful to have. Lately When in performance mode, If I add a new complete performance from my local saved stuff, instead of putting it where the outline was and I dropped it, sometimes it places it at the very end #125. A couple times the performances became "out of order" they were OK on my profiler, but rig manager showed performance #4 down where #12 should be. I rebooted RM and it still had performances mixed up. I wonder if there was anyone else that had this happen, probably the strangest behavior I have seen from it. It never happened to me before the last update

  • I agree that RM has issues. It gets the job done like a russian tractor.

    I have cut/paste issues in performance mode where the order becomes confused and it appears that the text for the performances is incorrect. A reboot of RM does not always fix it and sometimes a reboot of the profiler does. Then I have to go back in to fix the errors.

  • I've had issues with RM when in browser mode intermittently over the past year or so, never jumped into performance mode yet after six years of owning the Kemper. Lately everytime I boot up my Kemper and RM it loads up all the folders including Rig Exchange, then I get a pop-up that says something like failure to connect with server, but everything seems to function🤷‍♂️

    At times I'll drag 2 or 3 rigs from a folder in RM to the profiler and while in browser mode cycle through them with the remote. Let's say this time I loaded 3, it will allow me to play each one from rig 1 to rig 3 but rig 2 does not show in the Kemper screen, it is accessed but still reads rig 1. Once I click the remote again it goes to rig 3 and shows it as such on the Kemper screen. I can unplug from the pc and it still continues, but I can turn the browser knob and see rig 2 in the line up but never on the screen. The fix has been to delete rig 2 from the profiler itself, go back to its folder of origin and click the add rig to profiler button, then it shows up correctly when cycling through with the remote. Rebooting hasn't solved either issue.

    Not related to RM but at times when booting up, my profiler gets the green screen of death that says contact support, I hit the exit button and the profiler reboots and functions as it should. I don't get to concerned as cliches happen occasionally with other software I use, Vegas, Soundforge, Paintshop Pro and others all give me a bit of a scare at times, especially if I have done quite a bit of editing and have forgotten to hit save for awhile. To be completely honest though, the green screen of death makes my heart skip a beat each time it happens 😄